Shows – Synonyms

11.10.22 Synonyms Time to read: 1min

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By definition, the word “shows” indicates something is represented or developments are visualized.

More synonyms will be introduced in the following article.

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“Shows” – General synonyms

The following illustrates synonyms of the word “shows” that are used as another word for shows in general as well as academic writing.

  • Indicates
  • Demonstrates
  • Probes
  • Reveals
  • Displays
  • Evidences
  • Points out
  • Represents
  • Illustrates
  • Visualizes
  • Proves
  • Presents
  • Describes
  • Evinces
  • Outlines
  • Explains
  • Exhibits
  • States
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“Shows” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In an academic context, the word “shows” is used for demonstrating or proving tables, figures, etc. It is also used when writing analyses and conclusions.

Are you looking for another word for “shows” for your academic paper? Take a look at the table below with 2 top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Shows” Synonyms Examples
Displays A discovery by the CBA shows
A discovery by the CBA displays
Presents The board shows
The board presents
Describes The graph shows
The graph describes
Illustrates The graph shows
The graph illustrates
Explains According to BBC, a professor shows
According to BBC, a professor explains
Indicates This figure shows
This figure indicates
Demonstrates The paragraph shows
The paragraph demonstrates