Provided – Synonyms

16.04.24 Synonyms Time to read: 2min

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The word “provided” plays a crucial role in the English language, serving as a key term that enables writers to express notions of supply, support, and conditionality. The richness of the English vocabulary comes from its extensive lexicon, offering a plethora of words that can enrich our statements and add depth to our dialogues. In this article, we explore the word “provided” and its synonyms, delving into the aspects of offering resources.

“Provided” – Meaning

The word “provided” is generally used to introduce a contingency or prerequisite for something to take place. Another word for provided is “on the condition that” or “given.” However, more synonyms will be stated in the following article.

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“Provided” – General synonyms

Synonyms of the word provided will be listed below.

  • Accoutered
  • Appareled
  • Appointed
  • Apportioned
  • Armed
  • Arrayed
  • Assembled
  • Bedecked
  • Clothed
  • Completed
  • Conditional
  • Contingent
  • Contingent upon
  • Controlled by
  • Dealt
  • Decked
  • Determined by
  • Dressed
  • Equipped
  • Fitted
  • Furnished
  • Given that
  • Harnessed
  • If
  • If and only if
  • Implemented
  • In the event that
  • Offered
  • On condition that
  • On the assumption that
  • Prepared
  • Providing
  • Readied
  • Regulated by
  • Rigged
  • Set up
  • Subject to
  • Supplied
  • Supposing
  • Upon these terms
  • With the proviso that
  • With the understanding that

“Provided” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In academic writing, “provided” can be used in different ways to express a condition, assumption, or evidence. Overall, using “provided” in academic writing demonstrates a clear understanding of the subject matter and an ability to express ideas logically and persuasively. Synonyms for provided that can be used for an academic piece of writing include “if,” “on the condition that,” and “supposing.”

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “provided” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

”Provided" Synonyms Examples
If Provided the experiment is successful, it might lead to significant advances.
If the experiment is successful, it might lead to significant advances.
On the condition that They were allowed to take part, provided they signed the consent form.
They were allowed to take part, on the condition that they signed the consent form.
Supposing Provided the theory is true, we would expect to see specific patterns.
Supposing the theory is true, we would expect to see specific patterns.