Use – Synonyms

16.10.22 Synonyms Time to read: 1min

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The word “use” is a commonly used word and may take on many meanings. This article explains the different meanings with respective examples.

More synonyms will be listed in the following article,

“Use” synonym: Employ

The following illustrates “employ“ as another word fo “use” i.e. putting somaeone into service or action.

  • Employ
  • Utilize
  • Make use of
  • Work
  • Apply
  • Operate
  • Exercise
  • Practice
  • Resort to
  • Exert
  • Wield
  • Ply
  • Put to use
  • Find a use for
  • Turn to account
  • Bring/call into play
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“Use” synonym: Consume

The following illustrates synonyms of the word “use” meaning consuming or expending.

  • Consume
  • Go through
  • Exhaust
  • Spend
  • Waste
  • Get through
  • Run through
  • Deplete
  • Squander
  • Dissipate
  • Expend
  • Fritter away

“Use” synonym: Take advantage of

The following illustrates “taking advantage of” as another word for “use”.

  • Take advantage of
  • Exploit
  • Manipulate
  • Abuse
  • Milk
  • Profit form
  • Impose on
  • Misuse
  • Make use of
  • Take liberties with

“Use” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In an academic context, the word “use” is used in a vast variety of ways, such as to express what methodology has been employed.

Are you looking for another word for “use” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the 3 top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Use” Synonyms Examples
Employ The methods that were used in this study...
The methods that were employed in this study...
Consume They use twice as much…
They consume twice as much…
Take advantage of Mine workers are used
Mine workers are taken advantage of