Understand – Synonyms

15.10.22 Synonyms Time to read: 2min

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Generally, the word “understand” is used to state that a thinking process or happening of events is acknowledged and grasped. In other cases, it also expresses sympathy/empathy and confirmation of belief for somaeone’s feelings and situations.

However, more synonyms of this word will be introduced in the following article.

“Understand” synonym: Comprehend

The following accounts for “comprehending” as another word for “understand” i.e. that something is grasped.

  • Comprehend
  • Get
  • Take in
  • Perceive
  • Grasp
  • Know
  • See
  • Follow
  • realise
  • recognise
  • Appreciate
  • Be aware of
  • Penetrate
  • Make out
  • Discern
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“Understand” synonym: Sympathize with

The following illustrates synonyms of the word “understand” with the meaning of sympathy, which is commonly used to express empathy and acknowledgment of somaeone’s feelings or a situation.

  • Sympathize with
  • Appreciate
  • Be able to see
  • Empathize with
  • Commiserate with
  • Show compassion for

“Understand” synonym: Believe

The following illustrates “believing” as another word for “understand”, which is used to express comprehending and believing somaeone’s feelings or a situation.

  • Believe
  • Hear
  • Lean
  • Gather
  • Think
  • Suppose
  • Notice
  • Assume
  • Take it
  • Conclude
  • Fancy
  • Presume
  • Be informed
  • Infer
  • Surmise

“Understand” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In an academic context, the word “understand” is to be fully grasped not only in terms of the meaning but also the implications of something.

Are you looking for another word for “understand” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the 3 top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Understand” Synonyms Examples
Comprehend Let's focus on this topic to understand why…
Let's focus on this topic to comprehend why…
Sympathize with The participants understand
The participants sympathize with
Assume By understanding these aspects…
By assuming these aspects…