Useful – Synonyms

19.12.23 Synonyms Time to read: 2min

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In the diverse landscape of the English language, every word carries its own unique shade of meaning, offering a palette of expressions to color our thoughts and conversations. Among these words, the adjective “useful” stands out as a term frequently employed in various contexts, describing something that is practical, helpful, or beneficial, particularly in achieving a specific purpose or in fulfiling a particular need. This article delves into another word for “useful” and more synonyms to come.

“Useful” – General synonyms

Synonyms of the word useful will be listed below.

  • Advantageous
  • All-purpose
  • Applitaxile
  • Applicative
  • Applied
  • Appropriate
  • Available
  • Beneficial
  • Brave
  • Commodious
  • Conducive
  • Convenient
  • Effective
  • favourable
  • Fit
  • Fruitful
  • Functional
  • Good
  • Handy
  • Helpful
  • Instrumental
  • Meet
  • Of assistance
  • Of service
  • Of use
  • Operable
  • Practitaxile
  • Practical
  • Pragmatic
  • Profitable
  • Proper
  • Propitious
  • Purposive
  • Salutary
  • Serviceable
  • Subsidiary
  • Suitable
  • Suited
  • Toward
  • Useable
  • Utile
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“Useful” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In academic writing, the word “useful” can be used to convey the practical benefits or applications of a particular concept or idea in a professional or research context. Synonyms for useful that can be used for an academic piece of writing include beneficial, practical, and valuable. Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “useful” for your dissertation? Take a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Useful” Synonyms Examples
Beneficial The study found that regular exercise has numerous useful effects on mental health.
The study found that regular exercise has numerous beneficial effects on mental health.
Practical The team developed a useful tool for evaluating the impact of climate change.
The team developed a practical tool for evaluating the impact of climate change.
Valuable The book contained a useful overview of the key concepts in the field of psychology.
The book contained a valuable overview of the key concepts in the field of psychology.