Job – Synonyms

10.10.23 Synonyms Time to read: 2min

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The word “job” is versatile and widely used in varying contexts. It describes a set of tasks or responsibilities that an individual performs, usually in exchange for money, benefits, or other compensation. Another word for “job” is function. Depending on the context, various synonyms or closely related terms can be used to describe this concept, each with its nuances. Here are some general synonyms for “job”. More synonyms of the word “job” will be listed in this article with its various meanings.

“Job” – General synonyms

The term “job” is most commonly used to refer to a regular activity performed in exchange for payment. Depending on the nature of the work, the term can have various connotations, but it generally signifies some form of employment or occupation. The following illustrates other words for “job” that may be used in everyday conversation as well as in academic writing.

“Job” – Synonyms in the sense of position

Synonyms of the word “job” in the sense of position, referring to the employment or somaeone, are:

  • Appointment
  • Business
  • Duty
  • Employment
  • Function
  • Occupation
  • Office
  • Place
  • Position
  • Post
  • Posting
  • Profession
  • Work

“Job” – Synonyms in the sense of mission

Synonyms of the word “job” in the sense of mission, referring to a task somaeone is obliged to execute, are:

  • Assignment
  • Charge
  • Chore
  • Commission
  • Commitment
  • Duty
  • Mission
  • Nomination
  • Obligation
  • Operation
  • Requirement
  • Responsibility

“Job“ –  Synonyms in the sense of function

Synonyms of the word “job” in the sense of function, referring to the sole purpose of something, are:

  • Calling
  • Capacity
  • Function
  • Involvement
  • Niche
  • Pace
  • Part
  • Position
  • Purpose
  • Role
  • Task
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“Job” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In an academic context, the word “job” is mostly used to refer to the employment description of somaeone. Synonyms for “Job” used in academic writing will be shown below.

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “Job” for your academic paper? Take a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

"Job“ Synonyms Examples
Employment The job description was very strict and required significant effort.
The employment description was very strict and required significant effort.
Commitment The Roman society made it their job to dethrone the reigning Cesar.
The Roman society made it their commitment to dethrone the reigning Cesar.
Calling A teacher’s job is to create a safe learning environment for the students.
A teacher’s calling is to create a safe learning environment for the students.