Given – Synonyms

19.09.23 Synonyms Time to read: 2min

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The word “given” entails various meanings. It can mean that something is put in further possession, that something is assumed to be a fact, that something is presented, or that somaeone is in repetitive action of something. Another word for “given” is handed. More synonyms of the word “given” will be listed in this article with its various meanings.

“Given” – General synonyms

The following subheadings illustrate other words for “given” that may be used in everyday conversation as well as in academic writing.

“Given” – Synonyms in the sense of handed

Synonyms in the sense of handed generally refer to the act of transferring something from one person to another. This could mean physically passing an object, or it could refer to transferring responsibility, knowledge, or rights. Synonyms are:

  • Assumption
  • Basis
  • Belief
  • Hypothesis
  • Delivered
  • Entrusted
  • Given over
  • Granted
  • Handed
  • Intrusted
  • Left
  • Loaned
  • Passed
  • Reposed
  • Transferred
  • Transmitted

“Given” – Synonyms in the sense of assumption

Synonyms of the word “given” in the sense of assumption, meaning something is believed to be true, are:

  • Annotation
  • Comment
  • Commentary
  • Critique
  • Inference
  • Postulate
  • Premise
  • Presumption
  • Theory
  • Thesis

“Given“ – Synonyms in the sense of presented

Synonyms of the word “given” in the sense of presented, meaning something is exhibited, are:

  • Carried
  • Displayed
  • Enacted
  • Exhibited
  • Exposed
  • Mounted
  • Offered
  • Performed
  • Presented
  • Shown
  • Staged
  • Tendered
  • Unveiled

“Given“ – Synonyms in the sense of used to

Synonyms of the word “given” in the sense of used to, meaning something is in repetitive action of something, are:

  • Accustomed
  • Addicted
  • Habituated
  • Inclined
  • Liable
  • Likely
  • Practiced
  • Prone
  • Seasoned
  • Used
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“Given” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In an academic context, the word “given” is mostly used in the sense of assumption or as another expression for handed. Synonyms for “Given” used in academic writing will be shown below.
Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “Given” for your academic paper? Take a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

"Given" Synonyms Examples
Delivered The police were given a serious amount of evidence to build an effective case.
The police were delivered a serious amount of evidence to build an effective case.
Hypothesis The methods the pyramids in Egypt were built with are still a given.
The methods the pyramids in Egypt were built with are still a hypothesis.
Prone Most substantial abusers are given to rehabilitate in special institutions.
Most substantial abusers are prone to rehabilitate in special institutions.