Chicago Style Movie Citation – General Format & Examples

26.01.23 Chicago style examples Time to read: 4min

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Chicago style movie citation is a structured system for recognising the use of motion pictures in academic work, aligning with the guidelines provided by the Chicago Style guide. This citation style is relevant for researchers and scholars in film studies, arts, and humanities, among other disciplines. Key characteristics in Chicago style movie citation contain the title, director, production company, year of release, and format. Such citation aims to avoid plagiarism, maintain academic integrity, and provide accurate details for readers to locate the original source.

Chicago Style Movie Citation – In a Nutshell

Understanding the citation of a movie according to the Chicago Manual of Style can be challenging if you mix up the rules of in-text and footnote citations. This article deals with:

  • Including the right information in a Chicago style movie citation
  • In Chicago style movie citation, include the director, movie title, production company, publication location, year of release and format.
  • Chicago style movie citation examples

Definition: Chicago style movie citation

The Chicago style movie citation follows the style used for essays and books. The only addition is the medium type. A writer can cite a portion of a movie similarly to a chapter of a book, since DVDs usually have chapter numbers. When formatting a Chicago style movie citation in the bibliography style:

  • The entry for a movie lists the director as the author, with the label ‘director’ after the name.
  • In notes, the citation starts with the movie title before the director’s name.
  • Writers can also use timestamps to point the reader to a specific scene in the movie.
Chicago bibliography
Director’s Last name, First name, director. Movie title. Place of publication: Production company, year of publication.
Full note
Movie title, directed by director's First name Last name (production company, date), Medium.
Short note
Shortened movie title, timestamp.

Chicago style movie citations include the following elements:

Film director(s):

  • When citing, start with the last name, followed by the first name.
  • For two directors, the last name should begin for the first director, while the second director can be cited starting with the first name (for example, Elton, John, and John Elton).
  • The names should also end with ‘dir’ or ‘dirs’ to indicate the role in the film.

Movie title:
Use the movie title as presented in the source.

Place of publication:
Provide the place of publication from the source.

Production company:
Provide the publisher’s full name.

Publication Year:
Give the year of publication from the source.


Chicago bibliography:
Cameron, James, dir. Titanic. United States: Paramount Pictures, 1997.

Full note:
Titanic, directed by James Cameron (Paramount Pictures, 1997) DVD.

Short note:
Titanic, 1:11:35 to 1:13:59

Chicago style movie citation: Physical format

If the movie is available in a physical format like Blu-ray and DVD, it is important to address the format in the bibliography or note entry in Chicago style movie citation.

Occasionally, the year of the original theatrical release is different from the physical release. Since the bibliography and notes must list both years, it is crucial to list the original theatrical release before the production company. When generating an entry in the bibliography using the Chicago style movie citation, follow thiese guidelines below:

Chicago bibliography
Director’s Last name, First name, director. Movie title. Original release year; Production company or distributor, video release year. Movie length. Format.
Full note
Movie title, directed by director’s First name Last name (original release year; production company, year), timestamp, format.
Short note
Shortened movie title, timestamp.


Chicago bibliography
Singer Bryan, director. The Usual Suspects. 1995; Gramercy Pictures, 1999. 2hr 30 min. DVD.

Full note
The Usual Suspects, directed by Bryan Singer (1995; Gramercy Pictures, 1999), 1:15:27, DVD.

Short note
The Usual Suspects, 1:15:27

Chicago style movie citation: Other contributors

Many people contribute to movie production, and it may be necessary to include information about other contributors.
You can mention a movie actor and discuss their performance or analyse the writer’s themes. According to the Chicago style movie citation, the information is optional and only relevant contributors are cited.

Chicago bibliography
Director Last name, First name, director. Movie title. Other contributors. Production company, year.
Full note
Movie title, directed by director first name last name, other contributor information (production company, year).
Short note
Shortened movie title, timestamp.


Chicago bibliography
Dafoe William, director. Parasite. Featuring Bong Joon-ho and Kelly Clarkson, Cinematography by Robert Eggers. Lighthouse Production, 2018.

Full note
Parasite, directed by William Dafoe, featuring Bong Joon-ho and Kelly Clarkson, cinematography by Robert Eggers (Lighthouse Production, 2018).

Short note
Parasite, 0:23:28.

Chicago style movie citation: Author

In the Chicago Manual of Style, source citation can be done in the notes and bibliography style above or the author-date style (preferred for social sciences). In author-date style, the in-text citations are in brackets, which consist of the director, year of release and timestamp. In the reference entry, the Chicago style  citation follows the same format as the bibliography.

Chicago Author-Date Style: Online

Chicago author-date format
Director’s Last name, First name, director. Release year. Title of movie. Production company. Movie length. URL.
Chicago reference entry
Rees, Davis, director. 2017. Mudbound. Elevated Movies. 2hr., 15 min.
Chicago author-date citation
(Rees 2017, 1:27:15)

Chicago author-date style: Physical format

Chicago author-date format
Director Last name, First name, director. Year of release. Movie title. Distributor or production company, year. Movie length. Format.
Chicago reference entry
Rees, Davis, director. 2017. Mudbound. Elevated Movies, 2018. 2hr., 15 min. Blu-ray Disc, 1080p HD.
Chicago author-date citation
(Rees 2017, 0:23:15 to 0:32: 32)

Chicago Author-Date Style: Additional Contributors

Chicago author-date format
Director Last name, First name, director. Year of release. Movie title. Distributor or production company, year. Movie length. Format.
Chicago reference entry
Rees, Davis, director. 2017. Mudbound. Elevated Movies, 2018. 2hr., 15 min. Blu-ray Disc, 1080p HD.
Chicago author-date citation
(Rees 2017, 0:23:15 to 0:32: 32)


Chicago reference entry
Rees, Davis, director. 2017. Mudbound. Featuring Carey Mulligan and Jason Clarke. Elevated Movies. 2hr. 15 min.

Chicago author-date citation
(Rees 2017, 0: 58:14)

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Citing a movie scene in Chicago style movie citation requires the inclusion of a timestamp on the in-text citation for bibliography and author-date style. Hence, the timestamp should show the start of the scene and the end.

When citing a Netflix show, including the author’s last name and timestamp is required in Chicago style movie citation using the author-date style. In bibliography style, you include a superscript number in the paragraph and note at the foot of the page.

In Chicago style movie citation, the title of the movie is italicized in both the notes-bibliography and author-date.


Dzastina Ayenew

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About the author

Dzastina Ayenew started her studies in Romance languages after her professional training as a foreign language correspondent at Munich’s municipal foreign languages Institute. She is passionate about languages and helping students worldwide with their thesis and dissertations.

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Ayenew, D. (2023, January 26). Chicago Style Movie Citation – General Format & Examples. BachelorPrint. (retrieved 09/02/2025)

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(Ayenew , 2023)
Ayenew (2023)


Ayenew, Dzastina. 2023. "Chicago Style Movie Citation – General Format & Examples." BachelorPrint, Retrieved January 26, 2023.

In-text citation

(Ayenew 2023)


Dzastina Ayenew, "Chicago Style Movie Citation – General Format & Examples," BachelorPrint, January 26, 2023, (retrieved February 09, 2025).


Short note
Ayenew, "Shortened title."


Ayenew, Dzastina: Chicago Style Movie Citation – General Format & Examples, in: BachelorPrint, 26/01/2023, [online] (retrieved 09/02/2025).


Full note
Ayenew, Dzastina: Chicago Style Movie Citation – General Format & Examples, in: BachelorPrint, 26/01/2023, [online] (retrieved 09/02/2025).
Direct quote
Ayenew, 2023.
Indirect quote
Ayenew, 2023.


Ayenew, Dzastina (2023): Chicago Style Movie Citation – General Format & Examples, in: BachelorPrint, [online] (retrieved 09/02/2025).

In-text citation

Direct quote
(Ayenew, 2023)
Indirect quote
(Ayenew, 2023)
Ayenew (2023)


Ayenew, Dzastina. "Chicago Style Movie Citation – General Format & Examples." BachelorPrint, 26/01/2023, (retrieved 09/02/2025).

In-text citation



Number. Ayenew D. Chicago Style Movie Citation – General Format & Examples [Internet]. BachelorPrint. 2023 [cited 09/02/2025]. Available from:

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