About BachelorPrint





Average age

29,7 years


Average commuting time (by car)

14 minutes


Gender distribution

42 % men

58 % women


Taste in music

55 %

45 %


A day in the life at BachelorPrint

Do you want to find out what our offices look like, or what happens in production? Were you wondering what our team does while on lunch break?

Step through our doors, and find out what’s going on behind the scenes at BachelorPrint!

Our open plan office

Look into our open plan office, and you’ll be met with one of two extremes: either everyone is hammering away at their keyboards in extreme concentration, heads down, headphones on, or you’ll hear bursts of laughter before you even come through the doors.

The content you see on our website is produced here every day. To create great content, all our employees research topics that might be of interest to you, as a student, so that they can provide you with the best possible tips. This is also where we look for the best services for students.


Our open plan office is the source for new ideas for the website, and we put everything we’ve got into making these as creative as possible – so naturally, it’s important that we have some fun doing so!

Our production

This is where your binding is produced, at lightning speed! Our production employees work like Santa’s elves, making sure that only perfect products leave the shop!

But don’t worry, our production department lives by the same motto: You’ve got to have a bit of fun!


Maximum efficiency!

Our production team is made up of printing and binding experts who work well under pressure – no rush is too big!

Lunch breaks

The whole team likes being together over lunch, especially if they haven’t seen each other all morning.

Lunch breaks are often used to update team members or to round everyone up for a spontaneous table tennis match. In the summer we might head out together to eat lunch at a nearby folk festival.

News and Events


July 2019

This month marks a one-year collabourative partnership with Scribbr, the market leader in proof-reading and editing services.
To celebrate the occasion, our friends in Amsterdam sent us a delicious cake. We were thrilled! Thank you. ?

August 2019

Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to our intern, Philipp. He supported our online marketing team in the open plan office by doing website maintenance.
Dear Philipp, we wish you all the best in writing your thesis, and all the best for the future! Pop by sometime for a visit. ?


Our new shipping packages are here!
From this point forward, not just your printed and bound final papers will be show stoppers – our BachelorPrint packages are going to look pretty swish, too. We can’t wait to hear what you think!

September 2019

Our visit at the local fair

After a hard day at work, some of the BachelorPrint headed out to the nearby fair for a much-deserved relaxing evening.


October 2019

Unfortunately, we will have to say goodbye to our intern Felix this month. He started out helping out our online marketing team in the open plan office, and ended up with the IT department.
Dear Felix, we wish you all the best with your Master’s program, and all the best for the future!

December 2019

As is tradition, the team decorated the BachelorPrint Christmas tree. The tree in our reception area was quite a head-turner!


This year’s Christmas party was spent in festive winter taxiins. The relaxed atmosphere and winter ambiance were ideal for reflecting on the past year.


Team events

The BachelorPrint-Team is like one big, happy family, so naturally, we have “family” celebrations: our team events.

Every month, a different employee puts together his or her very own team event, in which all colleagues are either introduced to this person’s hobbies or an event is organised that the entyre group would enjoy.

To see the team members who are in the starting line, check out our team page.

Our 2019 team events in review

Our December team event: BachelorPrint stations

“What do my colleagues actually do all day long?”

This is a question that a lot of BachelorPrint team members have, which is why Jessica organised this team event in December. Every team member had to take on another person’s job, to get an idea of that person’s responsibilities.

Everyone checked out all the different BachelorPrint stations, and we all had the opportunity to produce a high-quality BachelorPrint yearbook.

The day ended with some delicious pizza, which we ordered in.

Our October team event: Bouldering

Lena’s October team event had to meet one requirement: it had to be athletic! This was the first time for a lot of BachelorPrint team members to try out bouldering, and some of them found out they were naturals! Though a few of us felt muscles we never knew we had over the next few days, we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.


Our July team event: Drawing, BachelorPrint-Style

For her team event, our media designer Tamara picked something that was right up her alley, so in July, BachelorPrint pulled out the paint and canvas, and under the instruction of a professional artist, impressive works of art were created that are now on display in the various rooms at BachelorPrint, to be marveled at by everyone.

Because creativity takes a lot of energy, we had a barbecue afterwards, and we ended the evening with a BachelorPrint table tennis tournament.


Our June team event: BBQ

To go hand-in-hand with the amazing weather, the June team event was a barbecue. Our CFO and founder earned another title that evening: Barbecue Master. In preparation for the event, we made sure that we also had salads and food to ensure the physical well-being of the vegetarians among us.

In conclusion: everyone was well-fed, satisfied and happy.

Our May team event: Laser tag and fair

In May, the BachelorPrint team put aside its binding equipment and keyboards and took up laser guns instead, because Natalie decided that laser tag would be this month’s team event.

After an exciting wild west style duel, the green team was declared the victor, but this didn’t keep the teams from coming together as one again at the nearby fair.


Our March team event: Yoga

So that the BachelorPrint team could continue to be productive in their jobs, we did yoga in March, to keep our body and minds healthy. Some proved to be competent yogis; for others, this was a totally new experience.

Our February team event: Escape Room

Whether we had to steal a wand, diffuse a bomb or help a film succeed by choosing the right actor, the BachelorPrint team rose to every challenge in the Escape Room!


About BachelorPrint

We are a committed team of young professionals, and our mission is to ensure you make it through your studies successfully. That is why we created a huge portal where you can access information on all topics related to your studies. We take pride in our work, and we have fun, too!

Who exactly is part of the BachelorPrint team?

Google rating
4.9 4070 reviews Updated: 10/24
Maria Kipele
clément mennebeuf

Totally satisfied of the product overall quality, delivery (no possible...
