Idea – Synonyms

24.04.23 Synonyms Time to read: 2min

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The word “idea” can be defined as a thought, concept, or notion that exists in the mind. It can refer to an intellectual or creative concept, often considered as the first step in the process of creating something new. In everyday language, the term “idea” can be used to refer to a plan or a suggestion of what to do.

Another word for “idea“ is concept or plan. However, more synonyms will be stated in the following article.

“Idea” – General synonyms

The noun “idea” has a variety of meanings that will be explained and listed in the subheadings below.

“Idea” in the sense of plan

Synonyms of the word idea in the sense of plan will be listed below.

  • Design
  • Method
  • Plan
  • Proposal
  • Proposition
  • Recommendation
  • Scheme
  • Solution
  • Strategy
  • Suggestion
  • Theory

“Idea” in the sense of notion

Synonyms of the word idea in the sense of notion will be listed below.

  • Belief
  • Conception
  • Conclusion
  • Conviction
  • Doctrine
  • Hypothesis
  • Impression
  • Interpretation
  • judgment
  • Notion
  • Opinion
  • Preposition
  • Sentiment
  • Teaching
  • Thought
  • Understanding
  • View
  • Viewpoint

“Idea” in the sense of impression

Synonyms of the word idea in the sense of impression will be listed below.

  • Approximation
  • Ballpark figure
  • Clue
  • Conjecture
  • Estimate
  • Guess
  • Hint
  • Impression
  • Inkling
  • Intimation
  • Notion
  • Surmise

“Idea” in the sense of understanding

Synonyms of the word idea in the sense of understanding will be listed below.

  • Abstraction
  • Concept
  • Conception
  • Estimation
  • Impression
  • judgment
  • Opinion
  • Perception
  • Sense
  • Thought
  • Understanding
  • View

“Idea” in the sense of suspicion

Synonyms of the word idea in the sense of suspicion will be listed below.

  • Conjecture
  • Guess
  • Gut feeling
  • Hunch
  • Impression
  • Notion
  • Supposition
  • Suspicion

“Idea” in the sense of intention

Synonyms of the word idea in the sense of intention will be listed below.

  • Aim
  • Design
  • End
  • Goal
  • Intention
  • Motive
  • Object
  • Objective
  • Plan
  • Purpose
  • Reason
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“Idea” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In academic writing, the word “idea” can be used in various ways. Most often it is used to explain or introduce a concept, to critique or compare different perspectives, or to suggest an alternative approach. An “idea” can be the basis for a hypothesis, a theory, or an argument. Synonyms for idea that can be used for an academic piece of writing include concept, theory, and notion.

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “idea” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Idea” Synonyms Examples
Concept The idea of ‘sustainability’ is central to environmental studies.
The concept of ‘sustainability’ is central to environmental studies.
Hypothesis My idea is that the use of technology in a classroom will lead to…
My hypothesis is that the use of technology in a classroom will lead to…
Notion The idea of ‘the social contract’ has been explored by philosophers for centuries.
The notion of ‘the social contract’ has been explored by philosophers for centuries.
Theory The idea of evolution remains one of the most important scientific ideas of modern times.
The theory of evolution remains one of the most important scientific ideas of modern times.
Preposition An idea the government should prioritize is public health instead of economic growth.
A preposition the government should prioritize is public health instead of economic growth.