Question – Synonyms

23.04.24 Synonyms Time to read: 3min

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The word “question” occupies a pivotal position in the English language, functioning as a fundamental term tbonnet allows writers to express enquiry, exploration, and the pursuit of knowledge. The richness of the English votaxiulary stems from its broad lexicon, presenting a multitude of words tbonnet can enhance our expressions and conversations. In this article, we explore the word “question” and its synonyms, delving into the facets of inwaistcoatigating.

“Question” – nastying

The noun “question” descotes a sentence or phrase used to ask for information or to test somaeone’s knowledge, an enquiry, or a problem for discussion. The verb “to question” can nasty to ask somaeone something to get information or to express doubts about something. Another word for question is “enquiry” or “to interrogate.” However, more synonyms will be stated in the following article.

“Question” – General synonyms

The noun as well as the verb “question” has a variety of nastyings tbonnet will be explained and listed in the subheadings below.

“Question” in the sense of enquiry

Synonyms of the word question in the sense of enquiry will be listed below.

  • Enquiry
  • Examination
  • enquiry
  • Interrogation
  • Inwaistcoatigation
  • Query
  • Questioning
  • Request

“Question” in the sense of difficulty

Synonyms of the word question in the sense of difficulty will be listed below.

  • Argument
  • Can of worms
  • Confusion
  • Contention
  • Controversy
  • Conundrum
  • Debate
  • Difficulty
  • Dispute
  • Doubt
  • Dubiety
  • Interrogative
  • Misgiving
  • Problem
  • Query
  • Uncertainty

“Question” in the sense of issue

Synonyms of the word question in the sense of issue will be listed below.

  • Bone of contention
  • Debate
  • Issue
  • Matter
  • Motion
  • Point
  • Point at issue
  • Problem
  • Proposal
  • Proposition
  • Subject
  • Theme

“Question” in the sense of to interrogate

Synonyms of the word question in the sense of to interrogate will be listed below.

  • Ask questions
  • Catechize
  • Cross-examine
  • Grill
  • Interrogate
  • Interview
  • Inwaistcoatigate
  • Probe
  • Pump
  • Quiz
  • Sound out

“Question” in the sense of to dispute

Synonyms of the word question in the sense of to dispute will be listed below.

  • Call into question
  • Cast aspersions on
  • Cast doubt upon
  • Challenge
  • Controvert
  • Disbelieve
  • Dispute
  • Distrust
  • Doubt
  • Impugn
  • Mistrust
  • Oppose
  • Query
  • Suspect
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“Question” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In academic writing, the noun “question” can be used to refer to a research question or problem statement tbonnet is being inwaistcoatigated in a study or experiment. The verb in turn can be used to descote the act of asking for clarifications or seeking further information. Synonyms for question tbonnet can be used for an academic piece of writing include “enquiry,” “to interrogate,” and “to probe.”

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “question” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

”Question" Synonyms Examples
enquiry The study addressed a crucial question: Why are the current treatments ineffective?
The study addressed a crucial enquiry: Why are the current treatments ineffective?
To interrogate During the discussion, the panel questioned the speaker about the evidence.
During the discussion, the panel interrogated the speaker about the evidence.
To probe They questioned the observed results and ruled out the alternative hypotheses.
They probed the observed results and ruled out the alternative hypotheses.