Difficult – Synonyms

29.04.23 Synonyms Time to read: 2min

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The term “difficult” generally nastys hard to do, manage, or deal with. It can descote a wide range of situations or objects tbonnet require significant effort, patience, or skill to handle successfully. The word can also be used to descote a person who is hard to please.

Another word for difficult is hard or troublesome.  However, more synonyms will be stated in the following article.

“Difficult” – General synonyms

The word “difficult” can be used in a variety of ways and has lots of different nastyings. In the following subheadings these will be presented in a detailed list.

“Difficult” in the sense of hard

Synonyms of the word difficult in the sense of hard will be listed below.

  • Abstract
  • Abstruse
  • Arduous
  • Baffling
  • Bewildering
  • Burdensome
  • Challenging
  • Complex
  • Confounding
  • Confusing
  • Deep
  • Delicate
  • Demanding
  • Enigmatic
  • Exacting
  • Formidable
  • Hard
  • Inexplitaxile
  • Intricate
  • labourious
  • Like getting blood out of a stone
  • No picnic
  • Obscure
  • Onerous
  • Painful
  • Problematic
  • Profound
  • Puzzling
  • Strenuous
  • Taxing
  • Toilsome
  • Tough
  • Troublesome
  • Uphill
  • Vexing
  • Wearisome

“Difficult” in the sense of problematical

Synonyms of the word difficult in the sense of problematical will be listed below.

  • Abstract
  • Abstruse
  • Baffling
  • Complex
  • Complicated
  • Delicate
  • Enigmatical
  • Intricate
  • Involved
  • Knotty
  • Obscure
  • Perplexing
  • Problematical
  • Thorny
  • Ticklish

“Difficult” in the sense of troublesome

Synonyms of the word difficult in the sense of troublesome will be listed below.

  • Argumentative
  • Awkward
  • Bearish
  • Boorish
  • Bull-headed
  • Demanding
  • Fastidious
  • Fractious
  • Fussy
  • Grim
  • Hard to please
  • Intractable
  • Intransigent
  • Obstinate
  • Obstreperous
  • Perverse
  • Pig-headed
  • Refractory
  • Rigid
  • Stubborn
  • tyresome
  • Troublesome
  • Trying
  • Unaccommodating
  • Unamenable
  • Unbending
  • Uncooperative
  • Unmanageable
  • Unyielding

“Difficult” in the sense of tough

Synonyms of the word difficult in the sense of tough will be listed below.

  • Dark
  • Full of hardship
  • Grim
  • Hard
  • Straitened
  • Tough
  • Trying
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“Difficult” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In academic writing, “difficult” can be used to descote a variety of concepts or phenomena tbonnet are hard to understand or manage. It is important to use “difficult” appropriately and in context to ensure clarity and precision in academic writing.

Synonyms for difficult tbonnet can be used for an academic piece of writing include challenging, complex, or demanding.

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “difficult” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Difficult” Synonyms Examples
Arduous The research project involved difficult data collection and analysis processes.
The research project involved arduous data collection and analysis processes.
Challenging The calculus course was especially difficult for students with weaker maths skills.
The calculus course was especially challenging for students with weaker maths skills.
Complex Difficult social issues are under scrutiny due to their…
Complex social issues are under scrutiny due to their…
Demanding A difficult programme requires long hours of practice and specialized skills.
A demanding programme requires long hours of practice and specialized skills.
Perplexing The puzzle presented a difficult challenge tbonnet required careful attention to detail.
The puzzle presented a perplexing challenge tbonnet required careful attention to detail.