Work – Synonyms

22.03.23 Synonyms Time to read: 3min

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The verb “work” is generally used to indicate exertion of the mind or body. Another word for “work” is to labour or to manage. However, more synonyms will be listed in this article.

“Work” – General synonyms

The following illustrates other words for “work” that may be used in everyday conversation as well as in academic writing.

In the sense of to cause

Synonyms of the word “work” in the sense of to cause are:

  • Cause
  • Create
  • Bring
  • Do
  • Prompt
  • Generate
  • Produce
  • Make
  • Invoke
  • Induce
  • Effect
  • Yield
  • catalyse
  • Effectuate
  • Beget
  • Found
  • Encourage
  • Promote
  • Develop
  • Start
  • Begin
  • Establish
  • Initiate
  • Advance
  • Introduce

In the sense of to solve

Synonyms of the word “work” in the sense of to solve are:

  • Solve
  • Unravel
  • Answer
  • Resolve
  • Work out
  • Figure out
  • Crack
  • Decipher
  • Break
  • Decide
  • Reason
  • Conclude
  • Gather
  • Judge
  • Guess
  • Unriddle
  • Deduce
  • Infer
  • Assume
  • Speculate
  • Presume
  • Divine
  • Conjecture

In the sense of to act

Synonyms of the word “work” in the sense of to act are:

  • Act
  • Function
  • Serve
  • Perform
  • Operate
  • Run
  • Manage
  • Control
  • Guide
  • Direct
  • Handle
  • Supervise
  • Regulate
  • Carry on

In the sense of to perform

Synonyms of the word “work” in the sense of to perform are:

  • Perform
  • Operate
  • Take
  • Act
  • React
  • Take effect
  • Result
  • Respond
  • Take hold
  • Affect
  • Influence
  • Behave

In the sense of to drive

Synonyms of the word “work” in the sense of to drive are:

  • Drive
  • Move
  • Activate
  • Propel
  • Actuate
  • Stimulate
  • Motivate
  • Impel
  • Set off
  • Trigger
  • Raise
  • Provoke
  • Trip
  • Inspire
  • Incite
  • Ferment
  • Ferment
  • Abet
  • Galvanize
  • Instigate
  • Rouse

In the sense of to operate

Synonyms of the word “work” in the sense of to operate are:

  • Operate
  • Use
  • Handle
  • Run
  • Drive
  • Manipulate
  • Control
  • manoeuvre
  • Guide
  • Direct
  • Wield
  • Pilot
  • Ply
  • Command
  • Steer

In the sense of to labour

Synonyms of the word “work” in the sense of to labour are:

  • labour
  • Struggle
  • Strive
  • Try
  • endeavour
  • Toil
  • Seat
  • Plow
  • Travail
  • Hustle
  • Tug
  • Slave
  • Tug
  • Drudge
  • Grub
  • Hump
  • Plug
  • Strain
  • Slog
  • Overwork

In the sense of to use

Synonyms of the word “work” in the sense of to use are:

  • Use
  • Exploit
  • Leverage
  • Abuse
  • Walk on
  • Manipulate
  • Trade on
  • Impose (on or upon)
  • Pimp
  • Milk
  • Play (on or upon)
  • Capitalize (on)
  • Cheat
  • Mistreat
  • Commercialize
  • Commodify
  • Overcharge
  • Skin
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“Work” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In an academic context, the verb “work” can be used in a variety of ways, e.g. to describe that something operates correctly or is the cause of a situation, etc. More synonyms for “work” used in academic writing will be shown below.

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “work” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Work” Synonyms Examples
Cause The external factors work
The external factors cause
Solve Albert Einstein figured out how to work
Albert Einstein figured out how to solve
Act The lungs of humans work as…
The lungs of humans act as…
Perform According to tests, the medicine takes 1 hour to work its effect.
According to tests, the medicine takes 1 hour to perform its effect.
Operate During the experiment, Prof. Johnson worked
During the experiment, Prof. Johnson operated