Quickly – Synonyms

02.07.23 Synonyms Time to read: 2min

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The word “quickly” is generally used to explain something is supposed to happen shortly or something should happen at a high speed.

Another word for “quickly” is instantly or rapidly. However, more synonyms will be listed in this article.

“Quickly” – General synonyms

The following illustrates other words for “quickly” that may be used in everyday conversation as well as in academic writing.

  • Briskly
  • Efficiently
  • Expeditiously
  • Hastily
  • Immediately
  • Instantaneously
  • Instantly
  • Promptly
  • Rapidly
  • Swiftly
  • Timely

“Quickly” synonyms in the sense of swiftly

Synonyms of the word “quickly” in the sense of swiftly are:

  • At a fast pace
  • At full speed
  • Briskly
  • Fast
  • Hastily
  • Hurriedly
  • Quick
  • Rapidly
  • Speedily
  • Swiftly

“Quickly” synonyms in the sense of soon

Synonyms of the word “quickly” in the sense of soon are:

  • S.A.P
  • As soon as possible
  • Instantaneously
  • Pronto
  • Soon
  • Speedily

“Quickly” synonyms in the sense of immediately

Synonyms of the word “quickly” in the sense of immediately are:

  • Abruptly
  • At once
  • Directly
  • Expeditiously
  • Immediately
  • Instantly
  • Promptly
  • Right now

“Quickly” synonyms in the sense of briefly

Synonyms of the word “quickly” in the sense of briefly are:

  • Briefly
  • Briskly
  • Fleetingly
  • Hastily
  • Hurriedly
  • In haste
  • Perfunctorily
  • Superficially
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“Quickly” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In an academic context, the word “quickly” is considered informal. Therefore, it is better to use alternative words that provide a more formal and academic context.

However, more synonyms for “quickly” used in academic writing will be shown below.

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “quickly” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Quickly” Synonyms Examples
Promptly The results were analysed quickly.
The results were analysed promptly.
Rapidly The number of variables increased quickly.
The number of variables increased rapidly.
Immediately She adapted to the new role quickly.
She adapted to the new role immediately.