Easy – Synonyms

28.03.23 Synonyms Time to read: 3min

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The adjective “easy” is used to describe something that can be done without any effort or something that is not complex or complicated. It can also refer to an approachable and friendly person.

Another word for “easy” is simple or effortless. However, more synonyms will be listed in this article.

“Easy” – General synonyms

The following illustrates other words for “easy” that may be used in everyday conversation as well as in academic writing.

“Easy” synonyms in the sense of simple

Synonyms of the word “easy” in the sense of simple are:

  • Simple
  • Straightforward
  • No trouble
  • Not difficult
  • Accessible
  • Apparent
  • Effortless
  • Painless
  • Clear
  • Light
  • Uncomplicated
  • Child’s play
  • Plain sailing
  • Undemanding
  • A pushover
  • A piece of cake
  • No bother
  • A bed of roses
  • Easy-peasy
  • Manageable

“Easy” synonyms in the sense of untroubled

Synonyms of the word “easy” in the sense of untroubled are:

  • Untroubled
  • Contented
  • Relaxed
  • Satisfied
  • Calm
  • Peaceful
  • Serene
  • Tranquil
  • Quiet
  • Undisturbed
  • Unworried

“Easy” synonyms in the sense of relaxed

Synonyms of the word “easy” in the sense of relaxed are:

  • Relaxed
  • Friendly
  • Open
  • Natural
  • Pleasant
  • Casual
  • Informal
  • Laid-back
  • Graceful
  • Gracious
  • Unaffected
  • Easy-going
  • Affable
  • Unpretentious
  • Unforced
  • Undemanding
  • Unconstrained
  • Unceremonious

“Easy” synonyms in the sense of carefree

Synonyms of the word “easy” in the sense of carefree are:

  • Carefree
  • Comfortable
  • Pleasant
  • Leisurely
  • Well-to-do
  • Trouble-free
  • Untroubled
  • Cushy
  • Unworried
  • Easeful

“Easy” synonyms in the sense of tolerant

Synonyms of the word “easy” in the sense of tolerant are:

  • Tolerant
  • Light
  • Liberal
  • Soft
  • Flexible
  • Mild
  • Laid-back
  • Indulgent
  • Easy-going
  • Lenient
  • Permissive
  • Unoppressive

“Easy” synonyms in the sense of accommodating

Synonyms of the word “easy” in the sense of accommodating are:

  • Accommodating
  • Yielding
  • Manageable
  • Easy-going
  • Compliant
  • Amenable
  • Submissive
  • Docile
  • Plaint
  • Tractable
  • Biddable

“Easy” synonyms in the sense of leisurely

Synonyms of the word “easy” in the sense of leisurely are:

  • Vulnerable
  • Soft
  • Naïve
  • Susceptible
  • Gullible
  • Exploitable

“Easy” synonyms in the sense of vulnerable

Synonyms of the word “easy” in the sense of vulnerable are:

  • Leisurely
  • Relaxed
  • Comfortable
  • Moderate
  • Unhurried
  • Undemanding
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“Easy” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In an academic context, the word “easy” should be used sparingly to describe something that is not intellectually challenging. Simplistic and colloquial language can undermine the professionalism and credibility of the text. Because of this, it is generally recommended to use other words that are more formal and precise, such as “simple”, “straightforward”, or “effortless”. However, more synonyms for “easy” used in academic writing will be shown below.

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “easy” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Easy” Synonyms Examples
Simple The concept of quantum physics is not easy to…
The concept of quantum physics is not simple to…
Straightforward The author uses easy language.
The author uses straightforward language.
Effortless Using proper citation and referencing techniques can make it easy for readers to…
Using proper citation and referencing techniques can make it effortless for readers to…