Scoring model – step by step guide

28.06.21 Theories & Concepts Time to read: 6min

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A scoring model is crucial for institutions of higher learning when it comes to selecting students to join their courses. It helps your recruitment team to select students that fit your courses without stretching your resources. You will save time using a model to determine which students want to join your institution by separating serious applicants from jokers.

A scoring score allows you to give personalized attention to students who meet your entry criteria without hustles.

Scoring Model - FAQ

A scoring model helps you evaluate your prospective students and how well they will fit your education curriculum by assigning scores. You prioritize the students who score highly on your scoring tool when it comes to recruitment.

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You create a scoring model by first determining the character of the students that you need. You then assign values to scores the prospective students must meet. It would be best to have a mechanism that allows you to pursue easy to convert leads when it comes to student recruitment. Finally, you need to evaluate the model to find out what works and what doesn’t work.

Many institutions develop a scoring process to ensure fair, reliable, and comparable procedures when admitting students to their institution without any favour. The scoring process is a way of customizing the institution’s scoring needs to get students that meet the institution’s needs.

A grade is the overall performance of a student, whether in high school or college. Most countries use the Grade Point Average (GPA) to calculate the average performance in the whole course. Scoring is used to test the overall mastery of a student when it comes to a certain subject. A student can score highly in an area they have perfect mastery but get low scores in areas they have inadequate knowledge.

Scoring model: Definition

This is the tool that colleges and universities use to make fair decisions when admitting students to their courses. The tool allows you to plan your resources when pursuing your leads without compromising the lead conversation rate. Therefore, you will concentrate on students that meet your admission criteria without wasting time on jokers.

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How to create and use a scoring model

Before creating a lead scoring model, set up marketing automation or a customer relationship system (CRM) as part of your scoring model infrastructure. The above tools help you and your team organize and manage your prospective contacts efficiently and evaluate their fit to your courses. See the following steps for creating a scoring model:


Define your ideal leads

It would help if you defined the character of the students you are targeting in your institution for them to score highly. Use the persona of your previous successful students to form the base of the characters you are looking for. Can you do that by answering the following questions?

  1. What’s the number of students in that course?
  2. How do they perform on the course?
  3. What is the discipline level of the students?
  4. How is their class attendance score?

List criteria for ideal leads

A good scoring model has demographic and behavioural information of your prospective students. Demographic data allows you to know the kind of students who may be interested in joining your institution. It will show their age, the average score from their high school grades, and thier geographical location. You can also cheque on the behavioural information of your potential students by chequeing how they respond to your emails if they are visiting the course application pages to cheque the course prices etc. High activities in those areas may mean high interest in your courses making it easy for you to persue them.


Assign values

Assign scoring values to activities like opening emails and visiting your website’s landing pages for signup. The scoring points should be distributed well when it comes to demographic data and behavioural data.


Set a scores threshold

Define a threshold to your leads to help you identify leads that require urgent attention and one’s that need following up.

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Evaluate your scoring model

It would be best to evaluate your scoring model from time to time to keep it up to date. You may notice a certain trend among your target market that needs to be addressed for better results, making it necessary for you to evaluating your model either quarterly or half-yearly.

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Benefits of a scoring model

As your school continues to grow its marketing strategies, you will receive a higher number of applicants. The increase in the number of applicants could leave your recruitment team stretched, especially if you don’t have enough resources; having a scoring model is crucial to your recruitment process. The benefits of a scoring model include:

Eliminates jokers

A scoring model helps you eliminate jokers when it comes to college applications. As a result, it’s easier for you and your recruitment team to concentrate on serious candidates only. Consequently, you will plan on resource allocation better when it comes to pursuing high-value leads. The model will allow you to sort the list according to needs eliminating jokers in the process.

Saves time

It will be easier for you to concentrate on high-value leads that are easier to convert, saving you time. Most prospective students may sign up for the school’s newsletters. However, that does not mean they will automatically join your school. The scoring model saves you time by allowing you to follow up on only high-value leads. You will also spend less time on leads that seem hard to convert.

Allows you to give applicants personalized attention

Some prospects may not follow through with their application if you don’t give them personalized attention. A scoring model allows you to give personalized attention to serious prospects by allocating enough resources so they can feel valued by the institution. The process is especially necessary since it allows you to plan your resources effectively.

It acts as a test

A scoring model acts as a test for potential students to your institution. You can target individuals with a certain persona or behaviour depending on how you set your model. As a result, your recruitment team will have an easy time when picking your prospective candidates. The test also makes your recruitment needs tailor-made making it easy for you to evaluate the effectiveness of the scoring model.

In a Nutshell

Every institution needs a scoring model to help it target and get students that fit their courses perfectly. With the model, you save time and make good use of your available resources effectively. You can also separate serious leads from jokers, allowing you to effectively work with your prospective clients, especially when you have a stretched recruitment team.