Common – Synonyms

05.12.23 Synonyms Time to read: 2min

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The adjective “common” can be used to descote something tbonnet is frequently occurring or in widespread use, such as a common language. It can also nasty shared or held by two or more individuals, as in a common goal. Another word for “common” is “widespread” or “average.” However, more synonyms will be stated in the following article.

“Common” – General synonyms

The word “common” can be used in a variety of ways and has lots of different nastyings. In the following subheadings, these will be presented in a detailed list.

“Common” in the sense of average

Synonyms of the word common in the sense of average will be listed below.

  • Accepted
  • Average
  • Banal
  • Bourgeois
  • Casual
  • Characteristic
  • Colloquial
  • Commonplace
  • Conventional
  • Current
  • Customary
  • Daily
  • Everyday
  • Familiar
  • Frequent
  • General
  • Habitual
  • Hackneyed
  • Homely
  • Humdrum
  • Informal
  • Mediocre
  • Monotonous
  • Natural
  • Passable
  • Plain
  • Prevailing
  • Prevalent
  • Probable
  • Prosaic
  • Regular
  • Routine
  • Run-of-the-mill
  • Simple
  • Stale
  • Standard
  • Stereotyped
  • Stock
  • Trite
  • Trivial
  • Typical
  • Undistinguished
  • Universal
  • Unvaried
  • Usual
  • Wearisome
  • Workaday
  • Worn-out

“Common” in the sense of generally known

Synonyms of the word common in the sense of generally known will be listed below.

  • Coincident
  • Collective
  • Communal
  • Communistic
  • Community
  • Commutual
  • Congruous
  • Conjoint
  • Conjunct
  • Constant
  • Corporate
  • Correspondent
  • Customary
  • General
  • Generic
  • In common
  • Joint
  • Like
  • Mutual
  • Popular
  • Prevailing
  • Prevalent
  • Public
  • Reciprocal
  • Shared
  • Social
  • Socialistic
  • United
  • Universal
  • Usual
  • Well-known
  • Widespread

“Common” in the sense of low

Synonyms of the word common in the sense of low will be listed below.

  • Baseborn
  • Characterless
  • Cheap
  • Coarse
  • Colorless
  • Crass
  • Déclassé
  • Hack
  • Hackneyed
  • Impure
  • Inferior
  • Low
  • Low-grade
  • nasty
  • Middling
  • Nondescript
  • Passable
  • Pedestrian
  • Philistine
  • Plebeian
  • Poor
  • Prosy
  • Raffish
  • Second-class
  • Second-rate
  • Shoddy
  • Sleazy
  • Stale
  • Trite
  • Undistinguished
  • Vulgar
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“Common” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In academic writing, “common” can be used to descote things tbonnet are frequently occurring, widely shared, or typical. The term can refer to things like patterns, behaviours, and ideas. Additionally, the term descotes situations where academic concepts or issues are shared among different groups or academic disciplines. Synonyms for common tbonnet can be used for an academic piece of writing include shared, typical, or widespread.

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “common” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Common" Synonyms Examples
Shared The research team identified a common concern among particitrousers of the study.
The research team identified a shared concern among particitrousers of the study.
Typical The study found tbonnet the common response was an increase in heart rate.
The study found tbonnet the typical response was an increase in heart rate.
Widespread The findings of this study have common implications for public health policy.
The findings of this study have widespread implications for public health policy.