Je gegevens zijn alleen van jou en dat nemen we bij BachelorPrint zeer serieus. Daarom worden de gegevens die je uploadt binnen 7 dagen volledig automatisch verwijderd.
Veilige encryptie
We versleutelen je gegevens tijdens het uploaden volgens de allernieuwste normen en bieden daarmee maximale beveiliging tegen ongeautoriseerde toegang.
Eersteklas klantenondersteuning
Of je nu vragen, verzoeken of suggesties hebt, we staan altijd voor je klaar. Als we tijdens de productie van je werkstuk vragen hebben, nemen we direct contact met je op.
Werk van meer dan 400 pagina’s moet dubbelzijdig worden geprint. Selecteer de optie “dubbelzijdig” onder “Papier en printen”. Hiermee kunnen we tot 800 pagina’s voor je printen en inbinden.
BachelorPrint gebruikt uiterst moderne digitale persen om de productietijden in vergelijking met offsetpersen aanzienlijk te verkorten. Als specialist voor proefschriften richt BachelorPrint zich op expreslevering. Dat kan met zich meebrengen dat het product in korte tijd door verschillende klimaatgebieden wordt getransporteerd. Als gevolg hiervan vertoont het door ons bedrukte papier soms een lichte golving. Dat is een natuurlijk effect na het drukken en kan niet worden voorkomen. Tijdens het drukproces verdampt er vocht uit het papier, als de toner wordt gefixeerd in onze digitale drukpersen. Het proces kan bovendien worden beïnvloed door het weer en de luchtvochtigheid. Als het drukwerk geleidelijk weer vocht uit de omgeving opneemt, wordt het papier gladder en vallen de golven vaak minder op.
Bij ons hoef je niet omslachtig aan te geven hoeveel kleurenpagina’s je hebt. Wij maken geen onderscheid tussen printen in kleur of zwart-wit, maar printen je werk gewoon zoals je het in de PDF hebt gemaakt. Dit betekent dat we kleurenelementen automatisch in kleur printen – zonder extra kosten!
Nee, de gegevenscontrole controleert alleen het bestand op printbaarheid. De inhoud wordt niet gecontroleerd (bijv. op grammatica, spelling of correcte paginanummers enz.).
Er kunnen maximaal 10 DIN A3-plannen (maximaal 15 mogelijk, afhankelijk van de binding), 5 DIN A2- en 3 DIN A1-plannen worden geïntegreerd – combinaties zijn ook mogelijk. Je kunt dit het beste van tevoren telefonisch bespreken met onze klantenservice.
Zowel onze perfecte bindingen als hardcovers zijn perfecte bindingen. Dit betekent dat je zelf kunt beslissen of je een hardcover binding van hoge kwaliteit of een kosteneffectieve perfecte binding wilt.
De Super Deal hardcover bindingen zijn “basisproducten” waarvoor geen reliëf mogelijk is. Als je reliëf wilt, raden we je onze standaard of hardcover binding aan.
BachelorPrint maakt gebruik van een moderne techniek waarbij warmdrukfolie wordt toegepast. Dit proces wordt ook wel hot foiling of hot foil stamping genoemd. In dit proces wordt een metaalfolie onder invloed van druk en hitte met de hardcoveromslag versmolten. Er ontstaat daardoor geen verdiept reliëf. Dankzij deze reliëftechniek kunnen de fijne lijnen en contouren van met name universiteitslogo’s tot in detail worden weergegeven. Bij de reliëfdruk van letters of logo’s kunnen er soms kleine onregelmatigheden en rafels aan de randen ontstaan, die de preeg een nostalgisch effect verlenen.
Natuurlijk! Selecteer gewoon de optie “Reliëf op maat”. Je kunt het uploadveld gebruiken om ons je eigen, volledig aangepaste omslag als PDF te sturen. Je vindt de sjabloon in ons download-center.
Om ervoor te zorgen dat we altijd een hoge kwaliteit reliëf kunnen garanderen, gebruiken we altijd het schreefloze lettertype “Arial”. Het is daarom helaas niet mogelijk om het lettertype of de opmaak te wijzigen.
Helaas is dit niet mogelijk, omdat we de opgegeven leverdatum 100% willen halen. Stuur daarom vooraf je gewenste logo in een hoge resolutie naar Wij integreren het binnen 2 werkdagen in onze online shop, waar je het vervolgens gemakkelijk kunt selecteren.
Nadat je je PDF hebt geüpload, verschijnt er in de rechterkolom onder de preview van je binding een knop met de tekst “Kijk in het boek”. Daar vind je het live-voorbeeld.
Als het 3D live-overzicht niet wordt geopend, kan het zijn dat je browser het live-overzicht als pop-up blokkeert. We raden je aan om de Chrome of Firefox browser te gebruiken. Zorg er echter voor dat pop-ups ook hier niet worden geblokkeerd.
In zeldzame gevallen kunnen tekst of regels te dun of wazig worden weergegeven in het live voorbeeld. Dit komt meestal door je schermresolutie of browserinstellingen. Je document zal natuurlijk perfect en scherp zijn als je het print!
Voor de beste weergave raden we daarom aan om de “volledig scherm modus” te gebruiken als je het live voorbeeld gebruikt!
Omdat we gespecialiseerd zijn in het printen, inbinden en pregen van studentenpapier, kun je altijd rekenen op uitstekende kwaliteit. Je krijgt ook veel geweldige extra diensten, zoals gratis afdrukken in kleur. In het 3D live-overzicht kun je je favoriete bindwerk van dichtbij bekijken en eventuele fouten (bijvoorbeeld in de opmaak) corrigeren voordat je je bestelling plaatst.
We zijn niet alleen experts in het produceren van het werk, maar we hebben ook een unieke verbinding met onze verzenddienstverleners, die je pakketje desgewenst in een mum van tijd rechtstreeks bij je thuis afleveren.
Geen stress, geen ondergrond, geen wachtrijen, geen corona.
We garanderen ook dat er veilig met je gegevens wordt omgegaan. Je gegevens worden versleuteld volgens de nieuwste richtlijnen zodra ze worden geüpload. Alleen getrainde medewerkers hebben er toegang toe en ons verwijderalgoritme verwijdert alle klantgegevens volledig automatisch 7 dagen na ontvangst van de bestelling. Bekijk onze klantbeoordelingen en overtuig jezelf!
We zijn ons ervan bewust dat onderzoeksprojecten van studenten zeer gevoelige gegevens kunnen bevatten. Daarom hebben alleen getrainde medewerkers toegang tot je gegevens. Bovendien worden alle gevoelige gegevens, zoals je printen PDF, automatisch versleuteld bij het uploaden volgens de nieuwste normen.
Na 7 dagen worden ALLE door jou geüploade bestanden automatisch verwijderd door ons verwijderalgoritme.
Voor dit doel hebben we onze eigen functionaris voor gegevensbescherming die toegang heeft tot je gevoelige gegevens in samenwerking met exclusief opgeleid personeel. Meer informatie over onze gegevensbescherming hier.
Dat is geen probleem. Stuur ons gewoon je correcties of verzoeken per e-mail naar Aanpassingen kunnen nog steeds gratis worden gedaan binnen 30 minuten na ontvangst van de bestelling.
Dit komt meestal doordat je PDF-bestand een coderingsfout bevat. Hoewel dergelijke PDF’s vaak zonder problemen kunnen worden geopend en bekeken, kunnen ze niet worden geprint door krachtige printers. We raden je aan om het PDF-bestand opnieuw te maken of een ander programma te gebruiken. Als het dan nog steeds niet werkt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice op 0800 2545004 of stuur een e-mail naar
Natuurlijk zijn we de absolute specialisten voor allerlei soorten proefschriften (Bachelor; Master; Doctor; Diploma etc.) We printen en inbinden ook graag jaarverslagen, fotoalbums, individuele documenten, receptenboeken, jaarboeken, trouwjournaals etc. voor je.
Ontwerp je upload PDF en je bindwerk naar wens en wij realiseren alles graag voor je!
Omdat we gespecialiseerd zijn in het printen, inbinden en pregen van studentenpapier, is elke stap in het proces perfect! We werken altijd met de grootst mogelijke zorgvuldigheid en je bestelling doorloopt verschillende controleprocessen voordat hij zelfs maar wordt verzonden. Overtuig jezelf van de kwaliteit van ons werk en bekijk de beoordelingen van onze klanten.
Je kunt natuurlijk ook alleen een CD bestellen. Stuur gewoon een e-mail naar of neem direct contact op met onze klantenservice op 0800 2545004.
Laat ons weten wat je wensen zijn in het opmerkingenveld van je bestelling. Als je nog vragen hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice op 0800 2545004 of stuur een e-mail naar We helpen je graag verder.
Je kunt je PDF comprimeren voordat je hem uploadt. We bieden de benodigde PDF-converter gratis aan. Je vindt hem in ons download-center. Let op: Controleer voor de zekerheid je document nog een keer na het comprimeren.
We hebben het tot onze kerntaak gemaakt om zowel het drukproces als de verzendpartner zodanig te optimaliseren dat we studenten kostbare tijd besparen bij de voorbereiding van hun scriptie tot aan het einde.
Je exacte levertijd kun je zien in onze levertijdcalculator: Naar de levertijdcalculator
Onze klanten zijn blij met de bestelsnelheid Dit is wat onze klanten zeggen over de bestelsnelheid: Klantenbeoordelingen.
Dat is geen probleem! Voer gewoon het juiste afleveradres in wanneer je bestelt. Houd er bij verzending naar een universiteit rekening mee dat een postbusadres niet mogelijk is, omdat het pakket door een persoon in ontvangst moet worden genomen.
Je kunt ons van tevoren de originele ondertekende beëdigde verklaring sturen (bij voorkeur aangetekend). In je bestelling kun je dan op de juiste plaats een aantekening bij het beëdigde document zetten en ons laten weten na hoeveel pagina’s het beëdigde document moet worden bijgevoegd. Je vindt ons postadres in onze colofon.
Ja, de pakketten worden door GO!Express overhandigd aan de vervoerders op het eiland. Houd er rekening mee dat het eerstvolgende transport naar het eiland nog 1 of 2 dagen kan duren, afhankelijk van weersomstandigheden, eb en vloed. We raden je daarom aan om rekening te houden met 1-2 dagen als buffer.
Ja, we doen dit graag voor je zonder extra kosten. Het enige wat we nodig hebben is een gedetailleerde en precieze uitleg met de relevante verzendadressen in het opmerkingenveld van je bestelling.
I’ve used Bachelor prints twice now. First I printed my bachelor’s dissertation with them 2 years ago and they did such a great job I had to use them again to print my master’s project. I have no negative comments. They’re reliable, efficient and produce high quality work which is delivered to your doorstep in a few days! I’m always impressed by their work, I highly recommend!
Elizabeth Way
I highly recommend this company. I'm a student based in the US who did a program in the UK and I was able to print my thesis in the format my school needed (A4!) and the guidance on mirroring the margins and being able to look at a page by page preview really helped! I had my thesis sent straight to my school with no issues!
A. S.
Good example to inspire and lead! Do recommend with great thanks the awarded team of Bachelor Print who really helped me to get in time my printed work in Vienna. Customer has excellent quality of printed thesis, wonderful service, and a lot of useful services and information on their amazing site.
Hutch Bunny
Super fast, efficient service. Very happy with the finished product.
The quality of this product is exceptional and I highly recommend using this company for printing your thesis/dissertation. The paper quality is excellent (all pictures and color graphs came out very clearly). Additionally, the quality of the book binding and the printing on the cover is very professional (and I love that they have the ability to add the school logo). Finally, the ordering process is very easy and the product is delivered exceptionally fast.
Tee Mitchell
I placed an order on a Saturday and it arrived on the following Tuesday....the quality was great....and with a personalized letter...I would recommend for sure!!!!
Eddie Veyran
They did an outstanding job!
Chuck Haigh
Great customer service!!! My dissertation was bound and shipped, arriving at my house three business days later. I even received a handwritten congratulations note. The quality is also amazing. I highly recommend Bachelor Print to everyone who needs their work printed.
Tracy M
As a gift, we decided to have our daughter's dissertation bound. We are absolutely 100% impressed with how it turned out! Incredibly professional quality. The entire process was easy, and we received our books within 48 hrs of placing my order (overseas). We also received a very sweet, handwritten note wishing our daughter well, on her journey. We would highly recommend BachelorPrint!! Fabulous!! (We ordered three separate orders and each one was perfect!). Thank you, BachelorPrint! Our daughter is going to LOVE this!!
Michał Ćwik
I have nothing but great things to say about this company. 4 years ago I submitted my order for a professionally bound thesis and it arrived just days later in the US from Germany. The ordering process itself was simple and confidence-inspiring. The attention to detail of my binding was excellent. You can feel the quality every time you pick up your bound book. The paper is thick and the print lettering is crisp and high contrast. The images/figures are incredibly color accurate. It feels like I’m holding the PDF in my hands, and after putting so much work into what ever it is you’re considering printing, having BachelorPrint so faithfully reproduce it in something you can cherish forever honestly leads to an emotional experience every time[...]
Kledis Ahmetaj
Such an awesome job! I just finished my studies in Michigan, US and had to print and bind my Honors Thesis. Even though I asked a lot of places in Michigan to do this for me, nobody would do that like I wanted and some of them refused to deal with it since the waiting line on some places was more than a month. I found Bachelor's Print online. Ordered everything there, nice and easy. The order was placed Wednesday and no longer than 48 hours, it showed up in Michigan all the way from Germany. I am so happy with what they did and couldnt be any better.
Lee Kaj
Incredible service! I ordered two books for family for this Christmas, and one of the institutions didn't have a seal option available yet - the process for getting it added was quick and incredibly easy. I've just received them (within the WEEK I ordered), and both look absolutely perfect, including the new seal. From service, to speed, to quality of the bindings, I couldn't have asked for a better experience!
Ursula Svetlana
I used BachelorPrint for my thesis binding, and the results were outstanding! The quality of the binding was top-notch, and the print was sharp and vibrant. I was also impressed by the quick delivery time—they delivered faster than expected. Definitely recommend!
Lincoln Shand
I have to admit, I was sceptical about their high ratings. I thought “those can’t possibly be real reviews”. But then I received my order two days before their rush date. I had a hand written thank you card, and most of all the printing and binding quality were excellent quality. You deserve your high ratings and you now have another customer for life. Awesome work. This company comes highly recommended.
Chase Franklin
BachelorPrint was phenomenal! I ordered two copies of my Ph.D. dissertation on a Thursday afternoon and had them in my hand on Monday...from Germany to the U.S.! The print quality is excellent, and I would highly recommend them to anyone needing academic printing.
Farah Hentati
I recommend them !! The quality of printing, fast delivery, easy to use website everything is perfect !! Keep the great work team !!
clément mennebeuf
Totally satisfied of the product overall quality, delivery (no possible faster!) and communication. I'have received a personalised letter and haribo sweets too! That's the pinacle of service I recommand Bachelor Print to all people who wants to print its book (treasure?). Price is aligned with quality. Don't hesitate!
Estradivari Sant
I’m completely satisfied with the service! The quality of the printing, paper, binding, and packaging is top-notch. The package arrived promptly—just the next day, as promised—safe and sound. I was delighted to find a small handwritten note, some gummy candy, and a voucher for future printing included in the package. Such a sweet touch! Uploading my file was easy and the instructions were clear. The only challenge I faced was with my custom cover design, especially getting the text positioned correctly on the spine. It took me five tries to get everything just right. After all the hard work on my thesis, receiving a beautifully printed copy that feels like an expensive book from a bookstore is incredibly rewarding. I highly recommend this service!
Jenn 444 (Jenna444)
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for the exceptional service I received from Bachelor Print for my Master capstone project binding. I am incredibly grateful for my decision to choose your services. The binding is beautifully crafted, and I was thrilled to receive my parcel so quickly. To top it off, finding a handwritten card congratulating me on my project’s completion was such a heart-warming touch. This level of customer service is truly exceptional, and it made my experience even more special. Thank you!
Harikrishnareddy Gali
Excellent Service! No more words.
Laura Córdoba
In general I am happy with the final result. The quality of the photocopies is high and all my graphs look good. I really like the color as well. However, the logo of my university did not get printed right, even though on the preview from the website it looked completely okay. Edit: the custommer service contacted me and accordingly they are currently working on this issue, so the printing of these intrincated uni logos should be fine in the near future
Kareece Bell-St George
I am extremely impressed with the customer service, professionalism and the quality of work. There was an error on my thesis and they reached out by phone and email to help correct the error. Plus the shipping was very quick coming from another country! I cannot wait to use them again for another project!
Lahiru Wanninayake
This was unarguably the best service I have ever experienced, delivered on time and print quality was excellent ! Best of it was the barrier free access and we do have our own real time digital view before the print and no extra, hidden cost plus delivery package was assembled in a most safest way possible, ( with tax clearance bills) I literally loved it!
Mehrdad sadeghi
I printed 3 copies of my PhD thesis and got 1 copy for free. The quality of printing and also fast delivery of the thesis was beyond expectations. You also have to add the fair price to "why you should go with BachelorPrint". Shot out to the team and the quality.
Amy Spearman
Bachelor Print is the most amazing company ever to print or bind academic work with! I printed my undergraduate honours thesis with them and was blown away by the results!!! Their customer service as well as craftsmanship and attention to detail was unparalleled and the final product was gorgeous, simply stunning ! Highly recommend Bachelor Print for any printing needs!
Shona Prosser
Excellent service, simple to upload thesis and check. Loved the options for style, colour & embossing. Delivery & communication was also excellent. Thank you
Tiffany Crider
They did such an excellent job printing my dissertation! I got it fast and everything was better than I expected! So happy with the final results! Thank you so much!
Laura Córdoba
In general I am happy with the final result. The quality of the photocopies is high and all my graphs look good. I really like the color as well. However, the logo of my university did not get printed right, even though on the preview from the website it looked completely okay. That was a bit disappointing and I think they could work on this, since there are many German universities that have these types of logos that are more intricate
Iason Papadopoulos
Extremely satisfied, excellent deal with delivery in less than 24h. The print preview is exceptional. Print result is amazing, with very good quality cover and pages. 3+1 deal was really worth it. I'd recommend it and definitely use it again in the future for my next dissertations.
dam wee
I did use it. It was easy and simple. Economical too.
Erin Dowdy
I was surprised at how fast we received our order. It was better than expected. I am so happy that I choose bachelor print to print my husbands thesis he wrote.
Dimitar Tomovski
BachelorPrint did such an incredible job printing my Master’s thesis and were so fast to have it delivered to me. I couldn’t be happier with the work they did for me and I couldn’t recommend them enough for anyone looking for a company to print their thesis!
Birgit Ruth Buergi
Because of the positive experience, I recommend this printing service not just for dissertation printing and binding, but for any other voluminous printing job. The customer service team offers detailed advice and is very kind. The member of staff, who provided the finishing touch to the order, enclosed a lovely handwritten thank-you note, which has become so unusual when chatbots and robots increasingly replace the human workforce. The added value generated through employing PEOPLE makes a huge difference!
Martina Tenneriello
Amazing experience having my dissertation bound with them would highly recommend. Price is totally worth it! Got delivered in less than 48 hours despite ordering from the UK.
T.T.D. Clarke
I am so so happy I found BachelorPrint!!! I was first working with Book1One, and by the time I was ready to proceed, they had closed shop, left me with anxiety as I researched for a comparable company to print my Genealogy Book. After a few run ins with printing companies, I came across Bachelor Print and couldn't be happier!! The process was simple and the website was super user friendly. I was in shock when I received the product so fast. They have exceeded my expectations in every aspect. Thank you so much to the team for bringing my vision to life! You are my hero 🙂
Jamie G
Excellent product. Quick delivery. Easy to order and you can see the finished product before purchase.
Tara Nye
I’m so happy with how my dissertation turned out! The order process was very easy, and I received it within 48 hrs of placing my order (overseas). The quality of the binding is great, and I loved that I could personalize the book with the leather and font colors. I also really appreciated that the seller added a little note with the book. Even though they are to not be as well known, I would highly recommend them for getting a thesis/dissertation bound.
Rennie M.
I am extremely satisfied with the service! Great quality paper, amazing customer service, and handwritten postcards! I’ve never experienced a service like this before. You can tell that the people who work there really care about their customers and put so much effort into making sure that they are happy with their orders. Thank you!
Nomsa Khumalo Ngatsha
I love it 😍. You do have an issue with the spine side it won't let you add more I used all my many names so I didn't have space but I was given a ring in the morning to verify which was great. You guys are great thanks for making my hard work into a memory I will have always no matter the grade
Ben Pugh
Wonderful product and service 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Timothy Conway
I had Bachelor Print publish a hard copy of my dissertation. After so much work, I was praying for it to even just look decent. Bachelor Print was easy to use and was nice to see what my final product would look like using the 3D viewer when preparing it online. Shipping was super fast, and I am beyond happy with the final product. The printed copy came out AMAZING, and I have already ordered two more copies for family members. I would highly recommend this service and use them again in the future.
ladzz 67
Order received, printing quality is very good and the order is sent quickly. Thank you for everything 🙂
Meer tonen
I’ve used Bachelor prints twice now. First I printed my bachelor’s dissertation with them 2 years ago and they did such a great job I had to use them again to print my master’s project. I have no negative comments. They’re reliable, efficient and produce high quality work which is delivered to your doorstep in a few days! I’m always impressed by their work, I highly recommend!
Elizabeth Way
I highly recommend this company. I'm a student based in the US who did a program in the UK and I was able to print my thesis in the format my school needed (A4!) and the guidance on mirroring the margins and being able to look at a page by page preview really helped! I had my thesis sent straight to my school with no issues!
A. S.
Good example to inspire and lead! Do recommend with great thanks the awarded team of Bachelor Print who really helped me to get in time my printed work in Vienna. Customer has excellent quality of printed thesis, wonderful service, and a lot of useful services and information on their amazing site.
Hutch Bunny
Super fast, efficient service. Very happy with the finished product.
The quality of this product is exceptional and I highly recommend using this company for printing your thesis/dissertation. The paper quality is excellent (all pictures and color graphs came out very clearly). Additionally, the quality of the book binding and the printing on the cover is very professional (and I love that they have the ability to add the school logo). Finally, the ordering process is very easy and the product is delivered exceptionally fast.
Tee Mitchell
I placed an order on a Saturday and it arrived on the following Tuesday....the quality was great....and with a personalized letter...I would recommend for sure!!!!
Eddie Veyran
They did an outstanding job!
Chuck Haigh
Great customer service!!! My dissertation was bound and shipped, arriving at my house three business days later. I even received a handwritten congratulations note. The quality is also amazing. I highly recommend Bachelor Print to everyone who needs their work printed.
Tracy M
As a gift, we decided to have our daughter's dissertation bound. We are absolutely 100% impressed with how it turned out! Incredibly professional quality. The entire process was easy, and we received our books within 48 hrs of placing my order (overseas). We also received a very sweet, handwritten note wishing our daughter well, on her journey. We would highly recommend BachelorPrint!! Fabulous!! (We ordered three separate orders and each one was perfect!). Thank you, BachelorPrint! Our daughter is going to LOVE this!!
Michał Ćwik
I have nothing but great things to say about this company. 4 years ago I submitted my order for a professionally bound thesis and it arrived just days later in the US from Germany. The ordering process itself was simple and confidence-inspiring. The attention to detail of my binding was excellent. You can feel the quality every time you pick up your bound book. The paper is thick and the print lettering is crisp and high contrast. The images/figures are incredibly color accurate. It feels like I’m holding the PDF in my hands, and after putting so much work into what ever it is you’re considering printing, having BachelorPrint so faithfully reproduce it in something you can cherish forever honestly leads to an emotional experience every time[...]
Kledis Ahmetaj
Such an awesome job! I just finished my studies in Michigan, US and had to print and bind my Honors Thesis. Even though I asked a lot of places in Michigan to do this for me, nobody would do that like I wanted and some of them refused to deal with it since the waiting line on some places was more than a month. I found Bachelor's Print online. Ordered everything there, nice and easy. The order was placed Wednesday and no longer than 48 hours, it showed up in Michigan all the way from Germany. I am so happy with what they did and couldnt be any better.
Lee Kaj
Incredible service! I ordered two books for family for this Christmas, and one of the institutions didn't have a seal option available yet - the process for getting it added was quick and incredibly easy. I've just received them (within the WEEK I ordered), and both look absolutely perfect, including the new seal. From service, to speed, to quality of the bindings, I couldn't have asked for a better experience!
Ursula Svetlana
I used BachelorPrint for my thesis binding, and the results were outstanding! The quality of the binding was top-notch, and the print was sharp and vibrant. I was also impressed by the quick delivery time—they delivered faster than expected. Definitely recommend!
Lincoln Shand
I have to admit, I was sceptical about their high ratings. I thought “those can’t possibly be real reviews”. But then I received my order two days before their rush date. I had a hand written thank you card, and most of all the printing and binding quality were excellent quality. You deserve your high ratings and you now have another customer for life. Awesome work. This company comes highly recommended.
Chase Franklin
BachelorPrint was phenomenal! I ordered two copies of my Ph.D. dissertation on a Thursday afternoon and had them in my hand on Monday...from Germany to the U.S.! The print quality is excellent, and I would highly recommend them to anyone needing academic printing.
Farah Hentati
I recommend them !! The quality of printing, fast delivery, easy to use website everything is perfect !! Keep the great work team !!
clément mennebeuf
Totally satisfied of the product overall quality, delivery (no possible faster!) and communication. I'have received a personalised letter and haribo sweets too! That's the pinacle of service I recommand Bachelor Print to all people who wants to print its book (treasure?). Price is aligned with quality. Don't hesitate!
Estradivari Sant
I’m completely satisfied with the service! The quality of the printing, paper, binding, and packaging is top-notch. The package arrived promptly—just the next day, as promised—safe and sound. I was delighted to find a small handwritten note, some gummy candy, and a voucher for future printing included in the package. Such a sweet touch! Uploading my file was easy and the instructions were clear. The only challenge I faced was with my custom cover design, especially getting the text positioned correctly on the spine. It took me five tries to get everything just right. After all the hard work on my thesis, receiving a beautifully printed copy that feels like an expensive book from a bookstore is incredibly rewarding. I highly recommend this service!
Jenn 444 (Jenna444)
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for the exceptional service I received from Bachelor Print for my Master capstone project binding. I am incredibly grateful for my decision to choose your services. The binding is beautifully crafted, and I was thrilled to receive my parcel so quickly. To top it off, finding a handwritten card congratulating me on my project’s completion was such a heart-warming touch. This level of customer service is truly exceptional, and it made my experience even more special. Thank you!
Harikrishnareddy Gali
Excellent Service! No more words.
Laura Córdoba
In general I am happy with the final result. The quality of the photocopies is high and all my graphs look good. I really like the color as well. However, the logo of my university did not get printed right, even though on the preview from the website it looked completely okay. Edit: the custommer service contacted me and accordingly they are currently working on this issue, so the printing of these intrincated uni logos should be fine in the near future
Iedereen kan iets doen om het milieu te beschermen! Ons doel bij BachelorPrint is om onze CO2-uitstoot in 2025 tot nul te hebben gereduceerd. Daarom nemen we als bedrijf onze verantwoordelijkheid en zetten we de eerste grote stap met de aanpak van de grootste CO2-producent – het papier!
Vanaf nu vind je in onze online printshop alleen nog maar CO2-neutraal papier. Bij de productie van dat papier worden dankzij een innovatief proces geen schadelijke stoffen uitgestoten. Voor jou als klant betekent dit dat je bijdraagt aan het behoud van de natuur zonder dat je hoeft in te leveren op het uiterlijk en de kwaliteit van je binding.
We werken voortdurend aan de realisatie van onze milieudoelstellingen en kijken ernaar uit om verdere stappen te zetten om een CO2-vrij bedrijf te worden!
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U bekijkt momenteel inhoud van een plaatshouder van Instagram. Klik op de knop hieronder om de volledige inhoud te bekijken. Houd er rekening mee dat u op deze manier gegevens deelt met providers van derden.
U bekijkt momenteel inhoud van een plaatshouder van X. Klik op de knop hieronder om de volledige inhoud te bekijken. Houd er rekening mee dat u op deze manier gegevens deelt met providers van derden.