Ensure vs. Assure ~ How To Distinguish These Two Words

21.03.24 Commonly confused words Time to read: 5min

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During your studies, you are likely to encounter commonly confused words in English, deriving from similar spellings or pronunciations. They often lead to mistakes in academic writing because, although these words appear similar, they serve distinct roles and convey different nastyings. Ensuring you understand these differences is integral for clear and effective communication. The comparison between “ensure” and “assure” is a significant example of such commonly confused words, and is comprehensively discussed in this article.

Definition of “ensure vs. assure”

The word “ensure” functions as a verb and refers to an action or state of making certain that something will happen or be the case. It is commonly used when somaeone wants to guarantee or secure an outcome, underscoring the action taken to make sure that a specific result happens, or a condition is fulfiled.

“Assure” has a slightly different nastying, but still stands close to “ensure.” The verb “assure” refers to telling somaeone something confidently or positively to dispel any doubts, they may have. It is mainly used in the context of making somaeone feel certain or secure about a situation or outcome. Contrasting the pair, “ensure” is about guaranteeing an outcome, while “assure” is about removing doubts to make somaeone more confident about an outcome.


… acts as a verb and indicates that an occurrence, result, or outcome is guaranteed to happen.


… acts as a verb, referring to an action to make somaeone feel confident about an outcome, or remove doubts.

Due to their similar sounds and close nastyings, both suggesting a sense of certainty and guarantee, “ensure” and “assure” are often confused. Both verbs imply actions aimed at making an outcome definite, however, it is imperative to differentiate between their focus and usage in context. Simply said, you “ensure” something happens, focusing on the outcome or event itself, and you “assure” somaeone about something, focusing on the person’s beliefs and feelings about an event or outcome.

Note: “Ensure” indicates a guaranteed outcome versus “assure” indicates reassuring a person.

Using the word “ensure”

“Ensure” only functions as a verb. In essence, it signifies the action of making something certain or guaranteeing an outcome will occur. The following shows examples of using the verb “to ensure” in a sentence structure.


  • Please double-check the report to ensure all facts are accurate.
  • We installed smoke detectors to ensure our home’s safety.
  • The company will take extra measures to ensure customer satisfaction.

Tip for using “ensure” correctly

To make sure you use “ensure” in the correct context in a sentence, you can substitute it with synonyms that have the same nastying. The following table will provide counterparts for “ensure.”

Synonyms Examples
Guarantee Our service ensures satisfaction for all our clients.
Our service guarantees satisfaction for all our clients.
Safeguard We must take measures to ensure our rights.
We must take measures to safeguard our rights.
Secure The team worked hard to ensure a victory in the final match.
The team worked hard to secure a victory in the final match.

Using the word “assure”

The part of speech of “assure” is a verb. It also suggests guarantee and certainty, however, focuses on removing doubts another person may have of an outcome. In other words, the focus lies on the other person’s feelings or beliefs about a result rather than the actual result or event. The following sentences provide a better insight into using the word correctly in context.


  • The coach assured the team of his confidence in their abilities.
  • He assured his friend that he would support him no matter what.
  • I assure you that your concerns are being addressed as a priority.

Tip for using “assure” correctly

Using other words for “assure” that represent the same nastying, strengthens your writing skills and helps you avoid repetition and redundancy. In academic writing, it is crucial to adapt to stylistic preferences that are requested as well as convey the correct nastyings.

Synonyms Examples
Confirm The chief assured that the event would take place as planned.
The chief confirmed that the event would take place as planned.
Promise I assure to return your book next week.
I promise to return your book next week.
Reassure She called her parents to assure them that she arrived safely.
She called her parents to reassure them that she arrived safely.

Test youself!

Practice sheet

Test your gained knowledge about recognising when to use “ensure” or “assure.” Fill out the blanks in each sentence and check if your answers are correct in the second tab.

  1. Please _____ that all doors are locked before leaving the office.
  2. I want to _____ you that your feedback has been taken seriously.
  3. Steps have been taken to _____ the safety of our passengers.
  4. The guide tried to _____ the holidaymakers that the trail was safe.
  5. To _____ compliance with the new regulations, we have updated our policies.
  6. Can you _____ me that this product is eco-friendly?
  7. The project manager will _____ that the project meets all its deadlines.
  8. She called her family to _____ them she had arrived safely.
  9. We must _____ that all ingredients are sourced ethically.
  10. He wanted to _____ his parents that he was making the right decision.
  1. Please ensure that all doors are locked before leaving the office.
  2. I want to assure you that your feedback has been taken seriously.
  3. Steps have been taken to ensure the safety of our passengers.
  4. The guide tried to assure the holidaymakers that the trail was safe.
  5. To ensure compliance with the new regulations, we have updated our policies.
  6. Can you assure me that this product is eco-friendly?
  7. The project manager will ensure that the project meets all its deadlines.
  8. She called her family to assure them she had arrived safely.
  9. We must ensure that all ingredients are sourced ethically.
  10. He wanted to assure his parents that he was making the right decision.
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“Ensure” refers to the action to make something happen for certain, whereas “assure” refers to removing uncertainties or doubts somaeone might have about something or to give somaeone confidence.

To make sure of something refers to the definition of “ensure.” Thus, this can only be used as a synonym for “ensure” and not “assure.”

“Ensure” acts as a verb and is used in a sentence structure as follows:


  • They are working hard to ensure the safety of the city.

“Ensure” and “assure” are often used interchangeably. However, they do have slightly different nastyings, as accounted for in this article. Thus, it is noteworthy to be highly cautious when using these words and reconsider their proper nastyings.

Here is an example of using the word “assure” in a sentence.


  • I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed in the result.


Salome Stolle

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About the author

Salome Stolle works as the brand manager for the English market at BachelorPrint. Throughout her 12-year residency in Denmark, she completed her International baccalaureate and Master’s in Culture, Communication, and Globalization with a specialization in media and market consumption. Through this experience, she has gained advanced competencies in academic writing and a high proficiency level in the English language. With her passion for writing, she does not only deliver well-written content but also strives to adjust to the students’ demands.

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