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Actualisé: 05/2024

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Que vous ayez des questions, des souhaits ou des suggestions, nous sommes toujours là pour vous. Et si nous avons la moindre question en cours de production de votre mémoire, nous vous contacterons immédiatement.

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Oui, mais les fichiers doivent d’abord être compilés en un seul PDF. Un programme prévu à cet effet est disponible dans nos modèles à télécharger.

Les mémoires de plus de 400 pages doivent être imprimés en recto verso. Sélectionnez l’option « recto-verso » dans « Papier et impression ». Nous pourrons ainsi imprimer et relier jusqu’à 800 pages pour vous.

Oui, bien-sûr ! Avant de passer commande, il vous suffit de contacter notre service clients par téléphone au ou de nous envoyer un e-mail à

Pour que l’impression de votre travail soit optimale, nous recommandons en principe une marge d’impression d’au moins 2 cm.

Chez nous, vous n’avez pas besoin d’indiquer laborieusement combien de pages en couleur vous avez. Nous ne faisons pas de différence entre l’impression en couleur et en noir et blanc, nous imprimons simplement votre travail tel que vous l’avez créé dans le PDF. Cela signifie que les éléments en couleur sont automatiquement imprimés en couleur, sans supplément de prix !

Afin de garantir un niveau de qualité maximal, nous ne retouchons pas les fichiers d’impression.

Non, le contrôle des données vérifie uniquement l’imprimabilité du fichier. Il n’y a pas de vérification du contenu (grammaire, orthographe, numérotation des pages, etc.).

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Afin de garantir notre qualité et notre résistance habituelles, il n’est malheureusement pas possible de relier des pages volantes.

Il est possible d’intégrer jusqu’à 10 plans A3 (jusqu’à 15 possibles selon la reliure), 5 plans A2 et 3 plans A1. Vous pouvez également faire des combinaisons. Il est préférable de contacter notre service clients au préalable pour en discuter.

Nos reliures thermocollées et nos reliures rigides sont toutes deux des « reliures collées ». Vous pouvez donc opter pour une reliure rigide de haute qualité ou une reliure thermocollée plus économique.

Les reliures rigides « SuperDeal » sont des produits « basiques » qui ne permettent pas le gaufrage. Si vous souhaitez un gaufrage, nous vous recommandons nos reliures rigides standard ou premium.

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Ce n’est malheureusement pas possible, car nous souhaitons respecter à 100 % le délai de livraison indiqué. Envoyez-nous donc au préalable votre logo souhaité en version haute résolution à Nous l’intégrons dans notre boutique en ligne dans un délai de deux jours ouvrables, où vous pourrez ensuite le sélectionner facilement.

Après avoir téléchargé votre PDF d’impression, un bouton « Coup d’œil dans le livre » apparaît dans la colonne de droite, sous l’aperçu de votre reliure. Vous y trouverez l’aperçu en direct.

Si l’aperçu 3D en direct ne s’ouvre pas, il se peut que votre navigateur bloque l’aperçu en direct sous forme de pop-up. Nous vous recommandons de privilégier les navigateurs Chrome ou Firefox. Veillez toutefois à ce que les fenêtres pop-up ne soient pas bloquées.

Dans de rares cas, il peut arriver que le texte ou les lignes apparaissent trop fins ou flous dans l’aperçu en direct. Cela est généralement dû à la résolution de votre écran ou aux paramètres de votre navigateur. Une fois imprimé, votre document sera bien évidemment impeccable !

Comme nous sommes spécialisés dans l’impression, la reliure et le gaufrage de mémoires de fin d’études, vous pouvez toujours compter sur une qualité exceptionnelle. Vous bénéficiez également de nombreux services supplémentaires, comme l’impression couleur gratuite. Grâce à l’aperçu 3D en direct, vous pouvez visualiser en détail la reliure de vos rêves et corriger les éventuelles erreurs (de formatage par exemple) avant de passer commande.

Non seulement nous sommes experts de la production des mémoires, mais nous avons également un lien unique avec nos prestataires de services d’expédition, qui peuvent vous livrer votre colis directement à votre porte très rapidement.

Pas de stress, pas de métro, pas de file d’attente, pas de covid !

De plus, vos données sont traitées en toute sécurité. Dès le téléchargement, vos données sont cryptées conformément aux réglementations les plus récentes. Seuls des employés qualifiés y ont accès et notre algorithme de suppression supprime toutes les données des clients de manière entièrement automatisée sept jours après la réception de la commande. Consultez les avis de nos clients pour vous en convaincre !

Nous sommes conscients du fait que les mémoires de fin d’études peuvent contenir des données très sensibles. C’est pourquoi seuls des membres qualifiés de notre personnel ont accès à vos données. De plus, toutes les données sensibles, comme par exemple votre PDF à imprimer, sont automatiquement cryptées lors du téléchargement selon les normes les plus récentes.

Au bout de sept jours, tous les fichiers que vous avez téléchargés sont automatiquement supprimés par notre algorithme de suppression.

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Certes, nous sommes spécialisés dans les mémoires de fin d’études en tous genres (mémoires, thèses, rapports de stage…). Mais nous imprimons et relions également pour vous des livres de recettes, des annuaires, des livres d’or de mariage, etc.

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Nous sommes spécialisés dans l’impression, la reliure et le gaufrage de mémoires de fin d’études. Nous travaillons toujours avec le plus grand soin et votre commande passe par plusieurs étapes de contrôle avant d’être expédiée. Pour vous convaincre de la qualité de notre travail, consultez les avis de nos clients !

Nous accordons une grande importance à la protection de vos données ! Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations utiles à ce propos.

Oui, vous pouvez commander un CD uniquement. Pour cela, il vous suffit de nous envoyer un e-mail à ou de contacter directement notre service clients au .

Faites-nous part de vos souhaits dans la zone dédiée aux commentaires de votre commande. Si vous avez d’autres questions, n’hésitez pas à contacter notre service clients au ou à nous envoyer un e-mail à . Nous serons ravis de vous aider.

Vous pouvez compresser votre PDF avant de le télécharger. Nous mettons gratuitement à votre disposition le convertisseur PDF nécessaire. Vous le trouverez dans notre Centre de téléchargements. Attention : veuillez vérifier votre document après l’avoir compressé.

Ne vous inquiétez pas ! Nous sommes conscients que les mémoires de fin d’études doivent être remis à temps. C’est pourquoi nous ne travaillons qu’avec des prestataires de services d’expédition triés sur le volet et sérieux.

Les commandes passées avant 11 heures et expédiées par courrier express arrivent le jour suivant jusqu’à 18 heures. N’hésitez pas à consulter nos avis clients pour vous en convaincre.

BachelorPrint vous informe par e-mail de chaque étape du processus d’impression et vous fournit un lien pour suivre votre colis.

Ainsi, vous êtes toujours au courant de l’état actuel de votre commande.

Sans problème ! Il vous suffit d’indiquer la bonne adresse de livraison au moment de passer commande. Si vous envoyez votre commande à un établissement d’enseignement supérieur, veuillez noter qu’une adresse de boîte postale n’est pas possible, car le colis doit être réceptionné par une personne.

Vous pouvez nous envoyer votre déclaration sur l’honneur signée en original (de préférence par courrier recommandé). Dans votre commande, vous devez ajouter une note à la déclaration sur l’honneur et nous indiquer le nombre de pages après lequel la déclaration doit être placée. Vous trouverez notre adresse postale dans nos mentions légales.

Pour pouvoir tenir notre promesse de livraison, nous travaillons avec différents partenaires d’expédition en fonction de la région.

En France, nous envoyons les colis via DHL. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez cliquer ici.

Oui, les colis sont remis par DHL aux transporteurs de l’île. Veuillez noter qu’en fonction des conditions météorologiques, de la marée, le prochain transport possible vers l’île concernée peut prendre un ou deux jours. Nous vous recommandons donc de prévoir un à deux jours de marge.

Oui, nous le faisons volontiers et sans frais supplémentaires pour vous. Nous avons simplement besoin d’une explication détaillée et précise avec les adresses d’expédition correspondantes dans le champ d’annotation de votre commande.

100 % de vrais avis clients
Résumé des avis
4.9 ★★★★★ 3620 avis
Résumé des avis
4.9 ★★★★★ 3620 avis
Résumé des avis
4.9 ★★★★★ 367 avis
Valentin Schubert
★★★★★ 25.04.2024

Big thanks to the BachelorPrint-Team for the great work. Ordered my bachelor thesis on Friday evening and received it as promised at Monday morning. The Quality of binding and print is pretty good and the online tool was easy to use. Highly recommended.
Evan Karousis
★★★★★ 19.04.2024

Great service and printing quality!
Donna Hawkins _ Staff - MooreSquareMS
★★★★★ 17.04.2024

The printing and binding of my dissertation was easy, fast, and professional. I highly recommend this company!
Saul Thompson
★★★★★ 15.03.2024

Fantastic work, uploaded my thesis on Saturday and I was holding it, beautifully bound, on Tuesday. Print quality is great, figures look perfect. You may get a cheaper print elsewhere but you won't get a better one. Lots of options too.
Tikshan Mohan
★★★★★ 10.03.2024

Pretty good
Ronenn Roubenoff
★★★★★ 06.03.2024

Very fast, on time as promised, excellent quality, clear updates on the process as it went along. Delivered ahead of schedule.
Andrew Richardson
★★★★★ 16.02.2024

Easy to use service, fast delivery and high quality professional product - couldn't of picked a better printing service to mark the completion of my PhD thank you!
Rob Trevor
★★★★★ 22.07.2023

I ordered a copy of my wife's disseratation as a present for her graduation, the website was so easy to use the preview worked perfectly and the bound document arrived via DHL in 2 days (i ordered on a Sunday) we were both thrilled with it thanks again
★★★★★ 20.07.2023

I printed my thesis here and I'm really happy about it! Everything was printed out of expectations. THEY ARE SO GOOD! The price is reasonable for this printing quality! Thank you for the employee who is working hard to print my thesis and I received it the next day after I ordered it! The packaging was very professional and very safe! It was a very good experience and would like to print my next thesis in the future! I've recommended my friend to print here since they said it's very good! Recommended so far!!! 5 stars!
Matt Winter
★★★★★ 18.07.2023

Simply amazing!!! Great website.  Great personal service. We did a Google search and compared 2/3 companies. Bachelor Print was a little more expensive, although they have many very cost effective options too. We decided to pay that little bit more because their website was so good and it had a fantastic preview. It reassured us that we knew we were getting the right product. Packaged so well. A fairly large box with the dissertation wrapped in protective plastic. The box included sweets and hand written card, I think by Millie? She congratulated our daughter on passing etc. I was an unexpected beautiful personal touch.
★★★★★ 18.07.2023

Simply amazing!!! Great website.  Great personal service. We did a Google search and compared 2/3 companies. Bachelor Print was a little more expensive, although they have many very cost effective options too. We decided to pay that little bit more because their website was so good and it had a fantastic preview. It reassured us that we knew we were getting the right product. Packaged so well. A fairly large box with the dissertation wrapped in protective plastic. The box included sweets and hand written card, I think by Millie? She congratulated our daughter on passing etc. I was an unexpected beautiful personal touch.
Fractured Gamer
★★★★★ 17.07.2023

Very fast and clean print. Very nice customer service
Mario Budimir
★★★★★ 17.07.2023

Great value for money, very fast, very kind, very good quality Top result
Ardha Apriyanto
★★★★★ 10.07.2023

The process from order to delivery is amazingly smooth. The quality of work is awesome. I am really happy with the result. Strongly recommended for printing your thesis.
Nina Kensy
★★★★★ 10.07.2023

After I had my bachelor thesis printed and bound by Bachelorprint in 2020, I have now put the printing and binding of my master thesis in the hands of the hard-working people at Bachelorprint. Like my bachelor's thesis, my master's thesis was printed quickly and with high quality, bound and sent promptly. A heartfelt thank you! 🙂
Dylan (Aaradur)
★★★★★ 09.07.2023

Very good product, was delivered in one working day. In terms of quality, I am completely satisfied, the colors in the print are particularly impressive
Antje Liebe
★★★★★ 08.07.2023

I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical about printing my master's thesis through an online service. But BachelorPrint did a great job printing and delivering my work within 24 hours - just as promised. Craziness! The quality is exactly as described, the paper (100g) feels very high-quality and the hardcover is also very nice to the touch. In addition, the personal, handwritten message - great! I will definitely recommend BachelorPrint. Thanks for the great service!
Madlin Herpich
★★★★★ 06.07.2023

Everything is wonderful! There is absolutely nothing to complain about. Insanely fast shipping, great value for money and a great end result. Whether it's a bachelor's thesis, a master's thesis or anything else, you're always welcome!
★★★★★ 06.07.2023

Especially when it comes to theses, you want to know that you are in good hands and BachelorPrint fully lived up to this expectation. The packaging of the work for shipping was also very solid, so there is no need to worry about any damage in transit. Thank you for the good care.
Chris Gottschall
★★★★★ 05.07.2023

I can only give 5 stars here! - Super fast - super clean - super reliable The right thing for everyone for whom the deadline was just as suddenly as it was for me! Thanks!
Johanna Krueger
★★★★★ 04.07.2023

I had my bachelor thesis printed there and I am extremely satisfied. Fast shipping, very good quality and friendly customer service. I will definitely have my next thesis printed there as well. 👍🏻
Noemi Barro
★★★★★ 04.07.2023

Unbeatable value for money, delivery without problems, even got a nice phone call asking if I could put the package in front of the front door because I wasn't at home. I was also very happy about the card, because you feel better when you hand it in. All in all wonderful!
Kathi Schul
★★★★★ 04.07.2023

fast delivery. Design very easy thanks to the tool. I am very happy with the result. On time delivery
Alexander Peitz
★★★★★ 03.07.2023

I had my homework, bachelor thesis and now my master thesis printed and bound at Bachelor Print. Value for money is just very good. With the printed cover, the work looks very high quality. Thanks so much. I will definitely order again for my next course.
Sophie Ha
★★★★★ 30.06.2023

The bachelor thesis was there within 24 hours and printed really flawlessly! I called customer service once, wrote an email and was called within 10 minutes. Everything could be resolved. Really great!
A. Schröder
★★★★★ 30.06.2023

A really good all-round carefree package. Very customer-friendly, the coupon could be redeemed without any problems, fast shipping (the box could have been even more space-saving), great print quality, great price. I have unreservedly recommended.
Gabriel Göppel
★★★★★ 30.06.2023

Super easy to configure master thesis online. The fast delivery within a few days is also convincing. You also get excellent workmanship and an unbeatable price. The campaign "Three works for the price of two" was particularly noteworthy.
Guidini rodolphe
★★★★★ 30.06.2023

Impeccable print quality! Quick delivery.
★★★★★ 30.06.2023

Very fast processing of my data, problem-free contact and a very nice end result. Thank you for the uncomplicated and beautiful printing of my bachelor thesis! 🙂
Iris Stütz
★★★★★ 30.06.2023

I can really recommend it! Fast delivery and top quality.
Gianina Klein
★★★★★ 30.06.2023

Great service even on the phone! I even had all the original approvals of my research included in my beautiful copy. Just sent it by post beforehand and a few days later my copies were already there! Fast and high quality. I'm looking forward to Volume 2 with the master's thesis next year. Thanks!
Christian R
★★★★★ 30.06.2023

Very fast and top quality. I had both the bachelor's thesis and the master's thesis printed here and I'm thrilled every time and the greeting card from the editor is a nice idea - Printed with love 😍
May Ho
★★★★★ 10.06.2023

Ordered two thermal-bound copies of my thesis and got 1 for free. My theses arrived in a few days and included a handwritten note. Quick, personal, efficient.
Amanda Shrewsbury
★★★★★ 07.06.2023

Bachelor print is the best! Look no further for somewhere to have your thesis/dissertation printed. Their printing and binding is quality, and they have amazing customer service. I placed my order on a Wednesday and I was shocked to see it delivered by Friday - incredible! They also left a handwritten note too which was a sweet touch.
★★★★★ 07.06.2023

Bachelor print is the best! Look no further for somewhere to have your thesis/dissertation printed. Their printing and binding is quality, and they have amazing customer service. I placed my order on a Wednesday and I was shocked to see it delivered by Friday - incredible! They also left a handwritten note too which was a sweet touch.
Christiaan Willemse
★★★★★ 07.06.2023

Excellent service and quick delivery! They even included a little handwritten note wishing me all the best and a packet of gummy bears. The print and binding quality are also very good and I'm more than happy with the result!
★★★★★ 07.06.2023

Excellent service and quick delivery! They even included a little handwritten note wishing me all the best and a packet of gummy bears. The print and binding quality are also very good and I'm more than happy with the result!
Mike M
★★★★★ 05.06.2023

Amazing quality and service. Ordered a bound thesis for my son's graduation. The school's logo was uploaded to the system within 24 hours. Then I placed the order on a Saturday morning in Canada and the package arrived from Germany on Tuesday!! I still can't believe it. Everyone who has seen the book remarks positively on its quality and its professional appearance. I would not hesitate to recommend this company to anyone considering an order.
★★★★★ 05.06.2023

Amazing quality and service. Ordered a bound thesis for my son's graduation. The school's logo was uploaded to the system within 24 hours. Then I placed the order on a Saturday morning in Canada and the package arrived from Germany on Tuesday!! I still can't believe it. Everyone who has seen the book remarks positively on its quality and its professional appearance. I would not hesitate to recommend this company to anyone considering an order.
Nicola Lawley
★★★★★ 24.05.2023

Can`t thank you enough , love the virtual book so you can preview before print, delivered super quick , and a lovely hand written note on receipt of my book . Quality superb cant recommend you enough .
Laura-Grace Hutchinson
★★★★★ 23.05.2023

Amazing publishing! So happy with mine! Thank you!!
William Alachiotis
★★★★★ 18.05.2023

Really great service and quick to respond to emails
voir plus
Valentin Schubert
★★★★★ 25.04.2024

Big thanks to the BachelorPrint-Team for the great work. Ordered my bachelor thesis on Friday evening and received it as promised at Monday morning. The Quality of binding and print is pretty good and the online tool was easy to use. Highly recommended.
Evan Karousis
★★★★★ 19.04.2024

Great service and printing quality!
Donna Hawkins _ Staff - MooreSquareMS
★★★★★ 17.04.2024

The printing and binding of my dissertation was easy, fast, and professional. I highly recommend this company!
Saul Thompson
★★★★★ 15.03.2024

Fantastic work, uploaded my thesis on Saturday and I was holding it, beautifully bound, on Tuesday. Print quality is great, figures look perfect. You may get a cheaper print elsewhere but you won't get a better one. Lots of options too.
Tikshan Mohan
★★★★★ 10.03.2024

Pretty good
Ronenn Roubenoff
★★★★★ 06.03.2024

Very fast, on time as promised, excellent quality, clear updates on the process as it went along. Delivered ahead of schedule.
Andrew Richardson
★★★★★ 16.02.2024

Easy to use service, fast delivery and high quality professional product - couldn't of picked a better printing service to mark the completion of my PhD thank you!
Rob Trevor
★★★★★ 22.07.2023

I ordered a copy of my wife's disseratation as a present for her graduation, the website was so easy to use the preview worked perfectly and the bound document arrived via DHL in 2 days (i ordered on a Sunday) we were both thrilled with it thanks again
★★★★★ 20.07.2023

I printed my thesis here and I'm really happy about it! Everything was printed out of expectations. THEY ARE SO GOOD! The price is reasonable for this printing quality! Thank you for the employee who is working hard to print my thesis and I received it the next day after I ordered it! The packaging was very professional and very safe! It was a very good experience and would like to print my next thesis in the future! I've recommended my friend to print here since they said it's very good! Recommended so far!!! 5 stars!
Matt Winter
★★★★★ 18.07.2023

Simply amazing!!! Great website.  Great personal service. We did a Google search and compared 2/3 companies. Bachelor Print was a little more expensive, although they have many very cost effective options too. We decided to pay that little bit more because their website was so good and it had a fantastic preview. It reassured us that we knew we were getting the right product. Packaged so well. A fairly large box with the dissertation wrapped in protective plastic. The box included sweets and hand written card, I think by Millie? She congratulated our daughter on passing etc. I was an unexpected beautiful personal touch.
★★★★★ 18.07.2023

Simply amazing!!! Great website.  Great personal service. We did a Google search and compared 2/3 companies. Bachelor Print was a little more expensive, although they have many very cost effective options too. We decided to pay that little bit more because their website was so good and it had a fantastic preview. It reassured us that we knew we were getting the right product. Packaged so well. A fairly large box with the dissertation wrapped in protective plastic. The box included sweets and hand written card, I think by Millie? She congratulated our daughter on passing etc. I was an unexpected beautiful personal touch.
Fractured Gamer
★★★★★ 17.07.2023

Very fast and clean print. Very nice customer service
Mario Budimir
★★★★★ 17.07.2023

Great value for money, very fast, very kind, very good quality Top result
Ardha Apriyanto
★★★★★ 10.07.2023

The process from order to delivery is amazingly smooth. The quality of work is awesome. I am really happy with the result. Strongly recommended for printing your thesis.
Nina Kensy
★★★★★ 10.07.2023

After I had my bachelor thesis printed and bound by Bachelorprint in 2020, I have now put the printing and binding of my master thesis in the hands of the hard-working people at Bachelorprint. Like my bachelor's thesis, my master's thesis was printed quickly and with high quality, bound and sent promptly. A heartfelt thank you! 🙂
Dylan (Aaradur)
★★★★★ 09.07.2023

Very good product, was delivered in one working day. In terms of quality, I am completely satisfied, the colors in the print are particularly impressive
Antje Liebe
★★★★★ 08.07.2023

I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical about printing my master's thesis through an online service. But BachelorPrint did a great job printing and delivering my work within 24 hours - just as promised. Craziness! The quality is exactly as described, the paper (100g) feels very high-quality and the hardcover is also very nice to the touch. In addition, the personal, handwritten message - great! I will definitely recommend BachelorPrint. Thanks for the great service!
Madlin Herpich
★★★★★ 06.07.2023

Everything is wonderful! There is absolutely nothing to complain about. Insanely fast shipping, great value for money and a great end result. Whether it's a bachelor's thesis, a master's thesis or anything else, you're always welcome!
★★★★★ 06.07.2023

Especially when it comes to theses, you want to know that you are in good hands and BachelorPrint fully lived up to this expectation. The packaging of the work for shipping was also very solid, so there is no need to worry about any damage in transit. Thank you for the good care.
Chris Gottschall
★★★★★ 05.07.2023

I can only give 5 stars here! - Super fast - super clean - super reliable The right thing for everyone for whom the deadline was just as suddenly as it was for me! Thanks!
Johanna Krueger
★★★★★ 04.07.2023

I had my bachelor thesis printed there and I am extremely satisfied. Fast shipping, very good quality and friendly customer service. I will definitely have my next thesis printed there as well. 👍🏻
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Nouveau : papier neutre en CO2

Nous pouvons tous contribuer à la protection de l’environnement ! L’objectif de BachelorPrint est de réduire nos émissions de CO2 à zéro d’ici 2025. C’est pourquoi, en tant qu’entreprise, nous prenons nos responsabilités et faisons le premier grand pas vers le plus grand producteur de CO2 : le papier !

Désormais, vous ne trouverez dans notre imprimerie en ligne que du papier neutre en CO2, dont les émissions polluantes sont neutres grâce à un processus de fabrication innovant. Pour vous, cela signifie qu’en tant que client.e, vous pouvez contribuer à la préservation de la nature sans devoir faire de compromis sur l’aspect et la qualité de votre reliure.

Nous travaillons sans relâche pour faire de notre concept environnemental une réalité et nous sommes déterminés à en faire davantage pour devenir une entreprise sans CO2 !