Imprimir y encuadernar
una memoria de prácticas

Vista previa en 3D de la encuadernación

Útil función de vista previa del libro

Envío exprés GRATIS


7,90 €

Fecha de entrega exprés:


Envío exprés GRATIS

Pide tu memoria de prácticas en BachelorPrint antes de las 11:00 h y te la enviaremos en el mismo día laborable con servicio de envío exprés GRATUITO.


NUEVA función vista previa del libro

Gracias a la función vista previa del libro, puedes hojear tu memoria de prácticas y hacer una última revisión digital completa antes de la impresión.


Configurador online en 3D

Configura tu encuadernación rápidamente en la tienda online: gracias a nuestro configurador 3D online, podrás ver en el momento cómo quedará tu encuadernación al final.

Nuestras encuadernaciones

En BachelorPrint, disponemos de una variedad de encuadernaciones para tu memoria de prácticas. Es esencial que elijas una que se ajuste bien a tu trabajo. Recomendamos la encuadernación térmica para tu memoria de prácticas. Aunque la encuadernación en tapa dura es estéticamente atractiva y de calidad, la térmica puede ser más práctica si necesitas varias copias.

Calcula ahora los costes de impresión y encuadernación de tu memoria de prácticas con la calculadora de precios de BachelorPrint:

Calcula ahora el precio de tu memoria de prácticas

Recuerda que la presentación de tu memoria de prácticas también influye en la impresión que causa al examinador. Por lo tanto, la calidad de la encuadernación debe estar a la altura del contenido. No olvides cumplir con los requisitos de tu universidad.

Encuadernación térmica

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Encuadernación térmica

12,90 € 1498 Reseñas
Se envía en 24 horas
¡Disfruta de nuestro mejor precio garantizado*!
Lámina frontal transparente Lomo de cartón de color 2-450 hojas
La encuadernación térmica sigue siendo la preferida por los estudiantes porque es muy económica. No es tan elegante ni resistente como la encuadernación en tapa dura, pero puede ser la encuadernación adecuada para imprimir muchas copias de tu memoria de prácticas.

Encuadernación en tapa dura

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Tapa dura premium

22,90 € 1056 Reseñas
Se envía en 24 horas
¡Disfruta de nuestro mejor precio garantizado*!
Aspecto de piel Grabado personalizado Esquinas decorativas Cinta marcadora Distintos colores 10 - 370 hojas
La tapa dura premium es nuestra mejor recomendación para imprimir y encuadernar una memoria de prácticas muy importante. Es la forma más elegante de encuadernar una memoria de prácticas. Con el aspecto de libro de la tapa dura premium, seguro que llamarás la atención del tribunal examinador.

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Tapa dura estándar

17,90 € 747 Reseñas
Se envía en 24 horas
¡Disfruta de nuestro mejor precio garantizado*!
Aspecto de piel Esquinas decorativas Grabado personalizado Cinta marcadora 10 - 370 hojas Distintos colores
La tapa dura estándar tiene otra textura superficial y más brillo que la tapa dura premium. Ambas opciones son adecuadas para encuadernar una memoria de prácticas. Recomendamos la tapa dura para memorias de prácticas muy especiales.

Encuadernación en espiral

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Encuadernación espiral de metal

Se envía en 24 horas
¡Disfruta de nuestro mejor precio garantizado*!
Lámina frontal transparente Distintos colores 1-300 hojas
La opción más asequible para imprimir una memoria de prácticas es la encuadernación con espiral de metal. Resulta ideal si planeas producir un gran número de copias para distribuir entre familiares, amigos, empresas o en la universidad.

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Encuadernación espiral de plástico

Se envía en 24 horas
¡Disfruta de nuestro mejor precio garantizado*!
Lámina frontal transparente Distintos colores 1-300 hojas
La encuadernación en espiral de plástico es la encuadernación más económica para imprimir tu memoria de prácticas. Esta encuadernación se suele utilizar cuando se necesitan muchas copias de una memoria de prácticas, por ejemplo, para distribuirla entre familiares, amigos, empresas o en la universidad.

¿Por qué online y no en una copistería?


Tu pedido desde casa, fácil y sin complicaciones

Después de haber escrito, maquetado y revisado tu memoria de prácticas, lo que menos te apetece es hacer una larga cola en una copistería. Con BachelorPrint puedes hacer tu pedido desde la comodidad de tu casa y configurar la encuadernación a tu gusto. Te enviaremos tu memoria de prácticas encuadernada el mismo día en que la pidas, con servicio de envío exprés gratuito.

Todo a tu alcance en un solo lugar

BachelorPrint dispone de una amplia gama de encuadernaciones para que elijas la que más te guste. Si lo deseas, también puedes añadir accesorios extra a tu encuadernación, como esquinas decorativas, una cinta marcadora o un grabado personalizado. Tú decides el aspecto que debe tener tu memoria de prácticas.

Si te cuesta decidir, porque no tienes ni idea de cómo va a ser el aspecto final de tu memoria de prácticas, BachelorPrint puede ayudarte. Gracias a la vista previa en tiempo real y a la función «vista previa del libro», puedes ver cómo queda cada encuadernación y hojear tu memoria de prácticas para comprobar si hay errores finales antes de realizar el pedido.


Hoy lo pides, mañana lo recibes

¡Entrega rápida donde tú desees!

Con la entrega exprés tendrás el libro impreso en tus manos antes de las 18:00 h del siguiente día laborable. Realizamos entregas en la Península Ibérica, Islas Baleares y en la UE. Calcular el plazo de entrega
Si se realiza el pedido en y

Cuadro comparativo de las encuadernaciones

Encuadernación tapa dura premium
Encuadernación térmica
Encuadernación tapa dura estándar
Encuadernación en espiral
Desde 22,90 €
Desde 12,90 €
Desde 17,90 €
Desde 7,90 €
Color Azul, negro, rojo, verde Azul, negro, rojo, gris, verde, amarillo, blanco Negro, azul, rojo, verde Azul, negro, gris, rojo, verde, amarillo, blanco
Acabado Con estructura, mate, suave, aspecto de piel Lámina frontal transparente, lomo de cartón con aspecto de piel Con estructura, con brillo, liso, aspecto de piel Lámina frontal transparente, lomo de cartón con aspecto de piel
Colores del grabado Dorado, negro, plateado
Dorado, negro, plateado
Posición del grabado Frontal y lomo
Frontal y lomo
Colores de las esquinas decorativas Dorado, negro, plateado
Dorado, negro, plateado
Extensión en páginas 10 - 370 2 - 450 10 - 370 1 - 300

Configurar ahora

Configurar ahora

Configurar ahora

Configurar ahora

Más de 200.000 clientes satisfechos desde 2016

Vuestra opinión es lo primero para nosotros, y por eso hacemos todo lo posible para que en cada memoria de prácticas queden vuestras expectativas cumplidas. Si aún no estás convencido de nuestra calidad, echa un vistazo a nuestro perfil de Instagram o mira nuestras reseñas en Google.

Reseñas de clientes 100 % auténticas

clément mennebeuf
★★★★★ 04.10.2024

Totally satisfied of the product overall quality, delivery (no possible faster!) and communication. I'have received a personalised letter and haribo sweets too! That's the pinacle of service 😉 I recommand Bachelor Print to all people who wants to print its book (treasure?). Price is aligned with quality. Don't hesitate!
Estradivari Sant
★★★★★ 01.10.2024

I’m completely satisfied with the service! The quality of the printing, paper, binding, and packaging is top-notch. The package arrived promptly—just the next day, as promised—safe and sound. I was delighted to find a small handwritten note, some gummy candy, and a voucher for future printing included in the package. Such a sweet touch! Uploading my file was easy and the instructions were clear. The only challenge I faced was with my custom cover design, especially getting the text positioned correctly on the spine. It took me five tries to get everything just right. After all the hard work on my thesis, receiving a beautifully printed copy that feels like an expensive book from a bookstore is incredibly rewarding. I highly recommend this service!
Jenn 444 (Jenna444)
★★★★★ 01.10.2024

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for the exceptional service I received from Bachelor Print for my Master capstone project binding. I am incredibly grateful for my decision to choose your services. The binding is beautifully crafted, and I was thrilled to receive my parcel so quickly. To top it off, finding a handwritten card congratulating me on my project’s completion was such a heart-warming touch. This level of customer service is truly exceptional, and it made my experience even more special. Thank you!
Harikrishnareddy Gali
★★★★★ 25.09.2024

Excellent Service! No more words.
Laura Córdoba
★★★★ 23.09.2024

In general I am happy with the final result. The quality of the photocopies is high and all my graphs look good. I really like the color as well. However, the logo of my university did not get printed right, even though on the preview from the website it looked completely okay. Edit: the custommer service contacted me and accordingly they are currently working on this issue, so the printing of these intrincated uni logos should be fine in the near future
Kareece Bell-St George
★★★★★ 19.09.2024

I am extremely impressed with the customer service, professionalism and the quality of work. There was an error on my thesis and they reached out by phone and email to help correct the error. Plus the shipping was very quick coming from another country! I cannot wait to use them again for another project!
Lahiru Wanninayake
★★★★★ 17.09.2024

This was unarguably the best service I have ever experienced, delivered on time and print quality was excellent ! Best of it was the barrier free access and we do have our own real time digital view before the print and no extra, hidden cost plus delivery package was assembled in a most safest way possible, ( with tax clearance bills) I literally loved it!
Mehrdad sadeghi
★★★★★ 14.09.2024

I printed 3 copies of my PhD thesis and got 1 copy for free. The quality of printing and also fast delivery of the thesis was beyond expectations. You also have to add the fair price to "why you should go with BachelorPrint". Shot out to the team and the quality.
José María Mateos
★★★★★ 03.09.2024

Excelente servicio de impresión y encuadernación de trabajos universitarios. Cumplen con el plazo de entrega y la calidad del acabado es EXCELENTE, no puedo hacer otra cosa que recomendarlos a cualquiera que busque el mejor resultado.
Amy Spearman
★★★★★ 31.08.2024

Bachelor Print is the most amazing company ever to print or bind academic work with! I printed my undergraduate honours thesis with them and was blown away by the results!!! Their customer service as well as craftsmanship and attention to detail was unparalleled and the final product was gorgeous, simply stunning ! Highly recommend Bachelor Print for any printing needs!
Shona Prosser
★★★★★ 31.08.2024

Excellent service, simple to upload thesis and check. Loved the options for style, colour & embossing. Delivery & communication was also excellent. Thank you
Tiffany Crider
★★★★★ 25.08.2024

They did such an excellent job printing my dissertation! I got it fast and everything was better than I expected! So happy with the final results! Thank you so much!
Laura Córdoba
★★★ 25.08.2024

In general I am happy with the final result. The quality of the photocopies is high and all my graphs look good. I really like the color as well. However, the logo of my university did not get printed right, even though on the preview from the website it looked completely okay. That was a bit disappointing and I think they could work on this, since there are many German universities that have these types of logos that are more intricate
Iason Papadopoulos
★★★★★ 04.08.2024

Extremely satisfied, excellent deal with delivery in less than 24h. The print preview is exceptional. Print result is amazing, with very good quality cover and pages. 3+1 deal was really worth it. I'd recommend it and definitely use it again in the future for my next dissertations.
dam wee
★★★★★ 03.08.2024

I did use it. It was easy and simple. Economical too.
Erin Dowdy
★★★★★ 01.08.2024

I was surprised at how fast we received our order. It was better than expected. I am so happy that I choose bachelor print to print my husbands thesis he wrote.
Dimitar Tomovski
★★★★★ 27.07.2024

BachelorPrint did such an incredible job printing my Master’s thesis and were so fast to have it delivered to me. I couldn’t be happier with the work they did for me and I couldn’t recommend them enough for anyone looking for a company to print their thesis!
Birgit Ruth Buergi
★★★★★ 23.07.2024

Because of the positive experience, I recommend this printing service not just for dissertation printing and binding, but for any other voluminous printing job. The customer service team offers detailed advice and is very kind. The member of staff, who provided the finishing touch to the order, enclosed a lovely handwritten thank-you note, which has become so unusual when chatbots and robots increasingly replace the human workforce. The added value generated through employing PEOPLE makes a huge difference!
Martina Tenneriello
★★★★★ 19.07.2024

Amazing experience having my dissertation bound with them would highly recommend. Price is totally worth it! Got delivered in less than 48 hours despite ordering from the UK.
T.T.D. Clarke
★★★★★ 05.07.2024

I am so so happy I found BachelorPrint!!! I was first working with Book1One, and by the time I was ready to proceed, they had closed shop, left me with anxiety as I researched for a comparable company to print my Genealogy Book. After a few run ins with printing companies, I came across Bachelor Print and couldn't be happier!! The process was simple and the website was super user friendly. I was in shock when I received the product so fast. They have exceeded my expectations in every aspect. Thank you so much to the team for bringing my vision to life! You are my hero 🙂
Jamie G
★★★★★ 01.07.2024

Excellent product. Quick delivery. Easy to order and you can see the finished product before purchase.
Tara Nye
★★★★★ 26.06.2024

I’m so happy with how my dissertation turned out! The order process was very easy, and I received it within 48 hrs of placing my order (overseas). The quality of the binding is great, and I loved that I could personalize the book with the leather and font colors. I also really appreciated that the seller added a little note with the book. Even though they are to not be as well known, I would highly recommend them for getting a thesis/dissertation bound.
Rennie M.
★★★★★ 04.06.2024

I am extremely satisfied with the service! Great quality paper, amazing customer service, and handwritten postcards! I’ve never experienced a service like this before. You can tell that the people who work there really care about their customers and put so much effort into making sure that they are happy with their orders. Thank you!
Nomsa Khumalo Ngatsha
★★★★★ 17.05.2024

I love it 😍. You do have an issue with the spine side it won't let you add more I used all my many names so I didn't have space but I was given a ring in the morning to verify which was great. You guys are great thanks for making my hard work into a memory I will have always no matter the grade
Ben Pugh
★★★★★ 15.05.2024

Wonderful product and service 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Timothy Conway
★★★★★ 15.05.2024

I had Bachelor Print publish a hard copy of my dissertation. After so much work, I was praying for it to even just look decent. Bachelor Print was easy to use and was nice to see what my final product would look like using the 3D viewer when preparing it online. Shipping was super fast, and I am beyond happy with the final product. The printed copy came out AMAZING, and I have already ordered two more copies for family members. I would highly recommend this service and use them again in the future.
ladzz 67
★★★★★ 14.05.2024

Order received, printing quality is very good and the order is sent quickly. Thank you for everything 🙂
Enric Cuadros
★★★★★ 13.05.2024

Tanto la calidad del producto como la seriedad en todo el proceso, excelente!! Altamente recomendable!! Gracias
Natalia Barata
★★★★★ 07.05.2024

Very professional and quick service. My dissertation came back perfectly printed, exactly as I customized it in the website. A very sweet and personally touch was a hand written note. Beyond expectations!
Briana Christophers
★★★★★ 02.05.2024

Working with Bachelor Print was so easy and the printing came out so well! I am very happy with the final product and the quality of the custom cover and inside pages - both black and white and color.
Sofia Barragan Montilla
★★★★★ 30.04.2024

It was an efficient and excellent service. I ordered my doctoral dissertation from Bremen, and it arrived the next day in a beautiful and safe packing. The printing is impecable, the quality was top notch, and you can definitely tell they put a lot of work and care into the final product. Is nice to see they care as much as one does. Thank you so much!!!
Valentin Schubert
★★★★★ 25.04.2024

Big thanks to the BachelorPrint-Team for the great work. Ordered my bachelor thesis on Friday evening and received it as promised at Monday morning. The Quality of binding and print is pretty good and the online tool was easy to use. Highly recommended.
Daniel Mathiazzi
★★★★★ 22.04.2024

Rápido e muito prático! Recomendo!
Evan Karousis
★★★★★ 19.04.2024

Great service and printing quality!
Donna Hawkins _ Staff - MooreSquareMS
★★★★★ 17.04.2024

The printing and binding of my dissertation was easy, fast, and professional. I highly recommend this company!
★★★★★ 13.04.2024

Excelencia y atención al detalle en cada paso Mi experiencia con BachelorPrint ha sido excepcional desde el principio hasta el final. Lo que realmente distingue a esta empresa es su compromiso no solo con la calidad de sus productos, sino también con la presentación y la experiencia del cliente. Al recibir mi pedido, quedé impresionado por la elegante caja en la que venía cada conjunto de documentos, demostrando un nivel de profesionalismo y cuidado que rara vez se ve. Además, la nota personalizada escrita a mano fue un toque encantador que añadió una sensación muy personal y cálida al servicio. Esta atención a los detalles pequeños, pero significativos, no solo refleja su buena imagen corporativa, sino que también resalta su dedicación par[...]
Saul Thompson
★★★★★ 15.03.2024

Fantastic work, uploaded my thesis on Saturday and I was holding it, beautifully bound, on Tuesday. Print quality is great, figures look perfect. You may get a cheaper print elsewhere but you won't get a better one. Lots of options too.
Tikshan Mohan
★★★★★ 10.03.2024

Pretty good
Ronenn Roubenoff
★★★★★ 06.03.2024

Very fast, on time as promised, excellent quality, clear updates on the process as it went along. Delivered ahead of schedule.
Andrew Richardson
★★★★★ 16.02.2024

Easy to use service, fast delivery and high quality professional product - couldn't of picked a better printing service to mark the completion of my PhD thank you!
Rob Trevor
★★★★★ 22.07.2023

I ordered a copy of my wife's disseratation as a present for her graduation, the website was so easy to use the preview worked perfectly and the bound document arrived via DHL in 2 days (i ordered on a Sunday) we were both thrilled with it thanks again
★★★★★ 20.07.2023

I printed my thesis here and I'm really happy about it! Everything was printed out of expectations. THEY ARE SO GOOD! The price is reasonable for this printing quality! Thank you for the employee who is working hard to print my thesis and I received it the next day after I ordered it! The packaging was very professional and very safe! It was a very good experience and would like to print my next thesis in the future! I've recommended my friend to print here since they said it's very good! Recommended so far!!! 5 stars!
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clément mennebeuf
★★★★★ 04.10.2024

Totally satisfied of the product overall quality, delivery (no possible faster!) and communication. I'have received a personalised letter and haribo sweets too! That's the pinacle of service 😉 I recommand Bachelor Print to all people who wants to print its book (treasure?). Price is aligned with quality. Don't hesitate!
Estradivari Sant
★★★★★ 01.10.2024

I’m completely satisfied with the service! The quality of the printing, paper, binding, and packaging is top-notch. The package arrived promptly—just the next day, as promised—safe and sound. I was delighted to find a small handwritten note, some gummy candy, and a voucher for future printing included in the package. Such a sweet touch! Uploading my file was easy and the instructions were clear. The only challenge I faced was with my custom cover design, especially getting the text positioned correctly on the spine. It took me five tries to get everything just right. After all the hard work on my thesis, receiving a beautifully printed copy that feels like an expensive book from a bookstore is incredibly rewarding. I highly recommend this service!
Jenn 444 (Jenna444)
★★★★★ 01.10.2024

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for the exceptional service I received from Bachelor Print for my Master capstone project binding. I am incredibly grateful for my decision to choose your services. The binding is beautifully crafted, and I was thrilled to receive my parcel so quickly. To top it off, finding a handwritten card congratulating me on my project’s completion was such a heart-warming touch. This level of customer service is truly exceptional, and it made my experience even more special. Thank you!
Harikrishnareddy Gali
★★★★★ 25.09.2024

Excellent Service! No more words.
Laura Córdoba
★★★★ 23.09.2024

In general I am happy with the final result. The quality of the photocopies is high and all my graphs look good. I really like the color as well. However, the logo of my university did not get printed right, even though on the preview from the website it looked completely okay. Edit: the custommer service contacted me and accordingly they are currently working on this issue, so the printing of these intrincated uni logos should be fine in the near future
Kareece Bell-St George
★★★★★ 19.09.2024

I am extremely impressed with the customer service, professionalism and the quality of work. There was an error on my thesis and they reached out by phone and email to help correct the error. Plus the shipping was very quick coming from another country! I cannot wait to use them again for another project!
Lahiru Wanninayake
★★★★★ 17.09.2024

This was unarguably the best service I have ever experienced, delivered on time and print quality was excellent ! Best of it was the barrier free access and we do have our own real time digital view before the print and no extra, hidden cost plus delivery package was assembled in a most safest way possible, ( with tax clearance bills) I literally loved it!
Mehrdad sadeghi
★★★★★ 14.09.2024

I printed 3 copies of my PhD thesis and got 1 copy for free. The quality of printing and also fast delivery of the thesis was beyond expectations. You also have to add the fair price to "why you should go with BachelorPrint". Shot out to the team and the quality.
José María Mateos
★★★★★ 03.09.2024

Excelente servicio de impresión y encuadernación de trabajos universitarios. Cumplen con el plazo de entrega y la calidad del acabado es EXCELENTE, no puedo hacer otra cosa que recomendarlos a cualquiera que busque el mejor resultado.
Amy Spearman
★★★★★ 31.08.2024

Bachelor Print is the most amazing company ever to print or bind academic work with! I printed my undergraduate honours thesis with them and was blown away by the results!!! Their customer service as well as craftsmanship and attention to detail was unparalleled and the final product was gorgeous, simply stunning ! Highly recommend Bachelor Print for any printing needs!
Shona Prosser
★★★★★ 31.08.2024

Excellent service, simple to upload thesis and check. Loved the options for style, colour & embossing. Delivery & communication was also excellent. Thank you
Tiffany Crider
★★★★★ 25.08.2024

They did such an excellent job printing my dissertation! I got it fast and everything was better than I expected! So happy with the final results! Thank you so much!
Laura Córdoba
★★★ 25.08.2024

In general I am happy with the final result. The quality of the photocopies is high and all my graphs look good. I really like the color as well. However, the logo of my university did not get printed right, even though on the preview from the website it looked completely okay. That was a bit disappointing and I think they could work on this, since there are many German universities that have these types of logos that are more intricate
Iason Papadopoulos
★★★★★ 04.08.2024

Extremely satisfied, excellent deal with delivery in less than 24h. The print preview is exceptional. Print result is amazing, with very good quality cover and pages. 3+1 deal was really worth it. I'd recommend it and definitely use it again in the future for my next dissertations.
dam wee
★★★★★ 03.08.2024

I did use it. It was easy and simple. Economical too.
Erin Dowdy
★★★★★ 01.08.2024

I was surprised at how fast we received our order. It was better than expected. I am so happy that I choose bachelor print to print my husbands thesis he wrote.
Dimitar Tomovski
★★★★★ 27.07.2024

BachelorPrint did such an incredible job printing my Master’s thesis and were so fast to have it delivered to me. I couldn’t be happier with the work they did for me and I couldn’t recommend them enough for anyone looking for a company to print their thesis!
Birgit Ruth Buergi
★★★★★ 23.07.2024

Because of the positive experience, I recommend this printing service not just for dissertation printing and binding, but for any other voluminous printing job. The customer service team offers detailed advice and is very kind. The member of staff, who provided the finishing touch to the order, enclosed a lovely handwritten thank-you note, which has become so unusual when chatbots and robots increasingly replace the human workforce. The added value generated through employing PEOPLE makes a huge difference!
Martina Tenneriello
★★★★★ 19.07.2024

Amazing experience having my dissertation bound with them would highly recommend. Price is totally worth it! Got delivered in less than 48 hours despite ordering from the UK.
T.T.D. Clarke
★★★★★ 05.07.2024

I am so so happy I found BachelorPrint!!! I was first working with Book1One, and by the time I was ready to proceed, they had closed shop, left me with anxiety as I researched for a comparable company to print my Genealogy Book. After a few run ins with printing companies, I came across Bachelor Print and couldn't be happier!! The process was simple and the website was super user friendly. I was in shock when I received the product so fast. They have exceeded my expectations in every aspect. Thank you so much to the team for bringing my vision to life! You are my hero 🙂
Jamie G
★★★★★ 01.07.2024

Excellent product. Quick delivery. Easy to order and you can see the finished product before purchase.
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¿Sigues teniendo preguntas?

Consulta las preguntas frecuentes o contacta con nuestro servicio de atención al cliente

Preguntas frecuentes

Utilizamos la tecnología de impresión más avanzada, con la que podemos garantizar que tu memoria de prácticas encuadernada, te llegue en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

Lo cierto es que muchos estiman mal los plazos y luego tienen problemas para entregar la memoria de prácticas a tiempo. Si vas a encuadernar tu trabajo en BachelorPrint, te recomendamos que tengas en cuenta lo siguiente: si efectúas tu pedido antes de las 11:00 h, tu trabajo se enviará el mismo día laborable. Gracias al servicio de entrega exprés, lo recibirás enseguida.

Puedes informarte sobre el tiempo y la duración necesarios para la encuadernación, calculando aquí tu fecha de entrega individual: calculadora de plazos de entrega.

Para imprimir y encuadernar tu memoria de prácticas puedes ir a una copistería o encargar tu memoria de prácticas online. Ambas opciones tienen ventajas e inconvenientes.

Una ventaja en nuestra imprenta online es que puedes hacer fácilmente el pedido desde casa. Configura tu encuadernación y visualiza el producto final con nuestra vista previa en tiempo real en 3D. A continuación, solo tienes que formalizar el pedido con envío exprés gratis y recibirás tu envío al instante.

En BachelorPrint, tienes varias formas de ahorrar dinero al imprimir y encuadernar tu memoria de prácticas:

  • Mediante códigos promocionales (obtendrás un 10 % de descuento en nuestra comprobación de plagio)
  • Consigue hasta un 50 % de descuento recomendándonos en tu universidad
  • Imprime sin ningún coste con nuestra promoción «El trabajo del mes»

Y además de todo esto, ¡te llevas el envío exprés de regalo!

Te recomendamos una encuadernación térmica, porque a menudo hay que entregar la memoria de prácticas a varios profesores. La encuadernación térmica no solo resulta impecable, sino que además es económica. Por supuesto, también puedes optar por una exclusiva encuadernación en tapa dura, pero debes tener en cuenta que este tipo de encuadernación es más adecuado para un proyecto de fin de carrera, como un TFG o un TFM.

Los costes de impresión y encuadernación dependen del número de páginas y, claro está, del tipo de encuadernación. Una tapa dura con 100 páginas será bastante más cara que la económica opción de encuadernación térmica con solo 20. Especialmente para una memoria de prácticas, merece la pena «empezar desde abajo» y optar por una encuadernación en espiral o una encuadernación térmica. Y al finalizar la carrera, ya podrás plantearte encuadernar tu TFG o TFM con una encuadernación en tapa dura de alta calidad.

Los precios de impresión y encuadernación dependen del número de páginas y, claro está, del tipo de encuadernación.

A diferencia de la mayoría de copisterías locales o de otros proveedores online, nuestro estándar es el papel de 100 g/m². Esto garantiza que no se traspase el texto, especialmente en la impresión a doble cara, y que las páginas de tu memoria de prácticas tengan un tacto de calidad superior. Por cierto, no cobramos extra por este papel; te ofrecemos esta excelente calidad de forma gratuita. Si quieres un papel aún más grueso, opcionalmente puedes solicitarnos papel de 120 g/m².

Aquí te informamos sobre qué papel es el adecuado para tu memoria de prácticas: Papel para imprimir

Imprimir y encuadernar tu memoria de prácticas online tiene muchas ventajas. En BachelorPrint te beneficiarás de las siguientes:

  • Envío exprés GRATUITO de tu memoria de prácticas: haciendo tu pedido antes de las 11:00 h (de lunes a jueves) tu trabajo se enviará el mismo día.
  • Grabado en la tapa dura GRATIS, especificando en cada caso el tipo de trabajo que corresponda y con la opción de personalizarla, incluyendo el logotipo de la universidad
  • Vista previa en tiempo real en 3D de tu memoria de prácticas en nuestra tienda
  • Gran selección de encuadernaciones de alta calidad para dar a tu memoria de prácticas un aspecto único
  • Papel premium de 100 g/m² GRATIS incluido en nuestra imprenta online online
¿Tienes más preguntas sobre la impresión y encuadernación de una memoria de prácticas online?
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(Lunes a jueves: 08:00 - 17:00)
(Viernes: 08:00 - 14:00)
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