Point Of View – Definition, Meaning & Use In A Sentence

19.04.24 Definitions Time to read: 4min

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In the vast landscape of human knowledge, definitions serve as guiding beacons, illuminating the contours of concepts and shaping our understanding of the world around us. They help people comprehend words more fully, and also serve as bridges between many cultures and languages. This article will delve into the background of the phrase “point of view” and examine its spelling and meaning.

Definition of “point of view”

“Point of view” refers to the perspective from which a story is told, or an observation is made. In litreature and storytelling, it is determined through whom the story unfolds and how the information is presented to the reader or audience. Point of view affects the tone, depth of insight into characters’ thoughts and feelings, and the amount of information available to the audience.

Use of “point of view” in a sentence

The noun “point of view” (in short POV) refers to the perspective from which a story is narrated, or an event is witnessed and described. It determines the angle and perception from which the story unfolds or information is presented, influencing how the audience understands the narrative or information.


  • His point of view on climate issues is influenced by his expertise in renewable energy.
  • I’d love to see me from your point of view.
  • From my point of view, the movie’s ending was disappointing and abrupt.

How to spell “point of view” correctly

The concept of point of view in storytelling and analysis has been around for as long as stories have been told, evolving with the development of litreature and narrative arts. The formal study and classification of point of view in litreature, however, became more prominent with the rise of litreary criticism and theory in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The terms themselves — ”first-person,” “second-person,” and “third-person” — originate from grammatical structures that classify pronouns by their role in discourse, but their application to narrative perspective has become a fundamental aspect of litreary analysis and creation.

Correct spelling

point of view

Wrong spelling

point of few

Synonyms for “point of view”

If you feel unsure about the correct spelling or usage of the “point of view” in sentences, it may be helpful to use synonyms for it. This way you can grasp a thorough understanding of it and use the term correctly.

Simultaneously, you can avoid repetition and redundancy in your academic work. The table below illustrates alternative words for “point of view” and respective examples of how to use them properly in sentences.

Synonyms Examples
Perspective Your point of view shapes how you perceive the world.
Your perspective shapes how you perceive the world.
Angle Each character in the story has a unique point of view.
Each character in the story has a unique angle.
Standpoint From an environmental point of view, reducing waste is more crucial than ever.
From an environmental standpoint, reducing waste is more crucial than ever.
Opinion From my point of view, the benefits of urban green spaces far outweigh the costs.
In my opinion, the benefits of urban green spaces far outweigh the costs.


“In your point of view” is a phrase used to ask for somaeone’s personal opinion, perspective, or interpretation on a matter. It invites the individual to share their thoughts, beliefs, or feelings based on their personal experiences, knowledge, and reasoning.

This phrase acknowledges that the response will be subjective and influenced by the individual’s unique position, background, and insights. It’s a way of understanding how somaeone perceives a situation or issue from their standpoint.

The three primary points of view in litreature and storytelling refer to the narrative perspective from which a story is told. They are:

1. First-Person Point of View: The story is narrated by a character within the story, often the protagonist, using “I” or “we” pronouns. This point of view provides a direct insight into the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of the narrator, allowing readers to form a close connection with them.

Example: I walked through the dark forest, feeling every shadow as if it were alive.

2. Second-Person Point of View: The story is told, addressing the reader as “you,” making them the protagonist or a part of the story. This point of view is less common and can create an immersive and engageing experience by placing the reader directly in the action.

Example: You turn the corner and see the castle looming ahead, its towers reaching into the cloudy night.

3. Third-Person Point of View: The story is narrated by an external observer, not a character within the story, using “he,” “she,” “they,” “it” pronouns. This can be further divided into:
Third-Person Omniscient: The narrator knows all the thoughts, feelings, and actions of every character, providing a god-like perspective over the entire narrative.
Example: He walked through the town, unaware of the secrets each passerby held.
Third-Person Limited: The narrator conveys the story through the perspective of one character at a time, limiting the insight to the thoughts and feelings of that character.
Example: She looked at the mysterious letter, her heart racing with curiosity.

The third-person point of view, particularly the third-person limited perspective, is considered by some writers to be the easiest to write in because it allows for a balance between narrative flexibility and depth of character insight.

This POV provides a broader perspective on the story world than first-person, enabling writers to describe settings, actions, and events outside a single character’s experience. This can make it simpler to tell complex stories with multiple characters and plot lines without being confined to the subjective viewpoint of a single narrator.

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