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Frequently Asked Questions About Plagiarism Checker


Plagiarism Report

Data Protection

It is faster than you think!

Usually, the plagiarism check for Bachelor’s or Master’s theses (60-80 pages) takes 10-20 minutes. However, this depends mostly on the word count that is submitted to the plagiarism checker online. If you upload a more extensive academic paper (200-300 pages), the plagiarism check may take up to 1 hour.

A plagiarism checker analyses your entire paper document including indexes such as the table of contents and the bibliography. These sections of your paper are included in the check, as indexes may also be copied or they may already exist. Nevertheless, it is common that indexes have minor similarities with already existing ones, which is why identified similarities are generally ignored.

If you don’t want your indexes to be analysed in the automated plagiarism check, we recommend that you only upload the text that you want to be analysed.

Committing plagiarism often happens unintentionally due to a lack of knowledge or time pressure. However, every student should know that it is crucial to indicate sources of other authors properly in academic papers. Therefore, it is highly advised to use an automated plagiarism checker before submitting your work.

Known cases of plagiarism emphasize the strict guidelines for plagiarism in academia. In the worst case, somaeone may get their PhD title withdrawn and face public humiliation. Although authors of Bachelor’s or Master’s theses most likely don’t have to fear these consequences, it may only be a small consolation to fail the course due to “forgotten” citations.

The plagiarism checker is able to run all papers in ALL languages!

Nonetheless, you should note that in case you have translated a citation yourself, it will be impossible for the plagiarism checker to identify the original source and can’t mark potentially plagiarized content. As there are multiple ways of translating a sentence, it is generally impossible for plagiarism software to scan translated sections accurately.

The plagiarism software takes various publicly accessible online resources into account such as articles, eBooks, essays, etc. Chargeable databases and documents with restricted accessibility are excluded. If a book can be viewed in a public database, the plagiarism checker will compare every sentence of the book source with your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis.

You will receive your plagiarism check including the full report in your email inbox!

Sometimes the email ends up in your spam folder. In very rare cases, your email provider may block the email and you don’t receive the report at all. If this happens, you should contact us via email:, so we can send your plagiarism report manually in a separate email.

No! First of all, it is crucial that you included the corresponding sources to all the text sections that are highlighted. If this is the case, you are on the safe side. In addition, the plagiarism software might have found alternative sources for the highlighted text sections, as some of your written content may also occur as secondary sources in other documents. In this case, the highlighted text sections merely indicate a precaution rather than plagiarism. So, no need to worry!

For a better overview, the plagiarism report only shows the text sections that potentially contain plagiarism. The pages that did not contain any suspicious passages are not included.

Sometimes a text section is marked as potentially plagiarized/plagiarised although it is cited correctly (e.g. a book source). This may happen when the plagiarism software has identified an additional online source that can be applied. In this case, you can ignore this remark, as it only provides additional security.

The main purpose of the plagiarism check is to detect whether whole sentence structures in your paper already exist in other sources. If you use online sources, you should always cite them and write them in your own words. As a result, plagiarism programs, including the one at your University, won’t be able to detect any similarities.

Thus, it is completely usual that the plagiarism check won’t detect every source you have fundamentally used for your paper.

The plagiarism checker typically reacts as soon as it detects text passages that already exist in other freely accessible sources in the exact same or minimally changed shape. However, if you have rewritten ideas in your own words correctly and added footnotes, the plagiarism detector will not find anything.

Oftentimes, many students wonder why the checker does not indicate any similarities although they have fundamentally used freely accessible sources. As explained above, if you have paraphrased the text in your own words and consequently used footnotes, the checker won’t detect any potential plagiarism.

Overall: If a report does not contain any detected sources, you can consider yourself lucky! This means that you belong to the rare cases, where the plagiarism checker could not detect any text passages in your paper that already exist in the exact same way.


The plagiarism check at BachelorPrint does not save any uploaded student papers due to privacy policy reasons. Our plagiarism checker analyses billions of publicly accessible sources on the World Wide Web but does not establish its own database.


This is why:

If an academic paper is checked for plagiarism with Turnitin and the University also uses Turnitin to check for plagiarism, the author will be put at a dangerous risk potential, as Turnitin saves uploaded papers, which will consequently be saved in their database. If the University scans the same paper afterward, it will be classified as completely plagiarized. We have dealt with many cases like this in the past. In one case, a student failed his paper due to this and was forced to prove that he is the author of the saved document at Turnitin.

This explains why we consciously chose not to collabourate with Turnitin to avoid endangering students with this potential risk!

Unfortunately, not all plagiarism checkers handle your data carefully and rather save your thesis in their database to increase their own data volume. Our software, on the contrary, saves data only temporarily (24 hours) and operates as follows:

Firstly, you upload your file of the Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis. The file will be temporarily saved on our server. Then the textual content will be taken from the uploaded file and your original file will be erased. The extracted content will then be transferred to a temporary database and in accordance with the language statistics divided into single paragraphs.

Many providers require you to register as a user. However, this is not the case at BachelorPrint. You can upload your paper, choose the desired payment method, and then initiate the online plagiarism check without creating a user account or registration.

Afterwards, you will receive the complete report in your inbox of your given email so you can revise and correct any detected findings.

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